=over 4
-=item * C<< is => 'ro', 'rw', 'bare' >>
+=item C<< is => 'ro', 'rw', 'bare' >>
This provides a shorthand for specifying the C<reader>, C<writer>, or
C<accessor> names. If the attribute is read-only ('ro') then it will
Moose will issue a deprecation warning when this attribute is added to a
-=item * C<< isa => Type >>
+=item C<< isa => Type >>
This option accepts a type. The type can be a string, which should be
a type name. If the type name is unknown, it is assumed to be a class
be a class name, and that class must do the role specified with
-=item * C<< does => Role >>
+=item C<< does => Role >>
This is short-hand for saying that the attribute's type must be an
object which does the named role.
B<This option is not yet supported.>
-=item * C<< coerce => Bool >>
+=item C<< coerce => Bool >>
This option is only valid for objects with a type constraint
(C<isa>). If this is true, then coercions will be applied whenever
You can make both this and the C<weak_ref> option true.
-=item * C<< trigger => CodeRef >>
+=item C<< trigger => CodeRef >>
This option accepts a subroutine reference, which will be called after
the attribute is set.
-=item * C<< required => Bool >>
+=item C<< required => Bool >>
An attribute which is required must be provided to the constructor. An
attribute which is required can also have a C<default> or C<builder>,
A required attribute must have a C<default>, C<builder> or a
non-C<undef> C<init_arg>
-=item * C<< lazy => Bool >>
+=item C<< lazy => Bool >>
A lazy attribute must have a C<default> or C<builder>. When an
attribute is lazy, the default value will not be calculated until the
attribute is read.
-=item * C<< weak_ref => Bool >>
+=item C<< weak_ref => Bool >>
If this is true, the attribute's value will be stored as a weak
-=item * C<< auto_deref => Bool >>
+=item C<< auto_deref => Bool >>
If this is true, then the reader will dereference the value when it is
called. The attribute must have a type constraint which defines the
attribute as an array or hash reference.
-=item * C<< lazy_build => Bool >>
+=item C<< lazy_build => Bool >>
Setting this to true makes the attribute lazy and provides a number of
default methods.
=head2 C<< clone_and_inherit_options(options) -> Mouse::Meta::Attribute >>
-Creates a new attribute in OwnerClass, inheriting options from parent classes.
+Creates a new attribute in the owner class, inheriting options from parent classes.
Accessors and helper methods are installed. Some error checking is done.
=head1 SEE ALSO
sub get_all_methods {
my($self) = @_;
- return map{ $self->find_method_by_name($self) } $self->get_all_method_names;
+ return map{ $self->find_method_by_name($_) } $self->get_all_method_names;
sub get_all_method_names {
=head1 METHODS
-=head2 initialize ClassName -> Mouse::Meta::Class
+=head2 C<< initialize(ClassName) -> Mouse::Meta::Class >>
Finds or creates a Mouse::Meta::Class instance for the given ClassName. Only
one instance should exist for a given class.
-=head2 name -> ClassName
+=head2 C<< name -> ClassName >>
Returns the name of the owner class.
-=head2 superclasses -> [ClassName]
+=head2 C<< superclasses -> ClassNames >> C<< superclass(ClassNames) >>
Gets (or sets) the list of superclasses of the owner class.
-=head2 add_attribute (name => spec | Mouse::Meta::Attribute)
+=head2 C<< add_attribute(name => spec | Mouse::Meta::Attribute) >>
Begins keeping track of the existing L<Mouse::Meta::Attribute> for the owner
-=head2 get_all_attributes -> (Mouse::Meta::Attribute)
+=head2 C<< get_all_attributes -> (Mouse::Meta::Attribute) >>
Returns the list of all L<Mouse::Meta::Attribute> instances associated with
this class and its superclasses.
-=head2 get_attribute_map -> { name => Mouse::Meta::Attribute }
-Returns a mapping of attribute names to their corresponding
-L<Mouse::Meta::Attribute> objects.
-=head2 get_attribute_list -> { name => Mouse::Meta::Attribute }
+=head2 C<< get_attribute_list -> { name => Mouse::Meta::Attribute } >>
This returns a list of attribute names which are defined in the local
class. If you want a list of all applicable attributes for a class,
use the C<get_all_attributes> method.
-=head2 has_attribute Name -> Bool
+=head2 C<< has_attribute(Name) -> Bool >>
Returns whether we have a L<Mouse::Meta::Attribute> with the given name.
Returns the L<Mouse::Meta::Attribute> with the given name.
-=head2 linearized_isa -> [ClassNames]
+=head2 C<< linearized_isa -> [ClassNames] >>
Returns the list of classes in method dispatch order, with duplicates removed.
-=head2 new_object Parameters -> Instance
+=head2 C<< new_object(Parameters) -> Instance >>
-Create a new instance.
+Creates a new instance.
-=head2 clone_object Instance -> Instance
+=head2 C<< clone_object(Instance, Parameters) -> Instance >>
Clones the given C<Instance> which must be an instance governed by this
sub name { $_[0]->{name} }
sub package_name{ $_[0]->{package} }
+sub fully_qualified_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->package_name . '::' . $self->name;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More;
- if (eval "require Scalar::Util; 1") {
- plan tests => 21;
- }
- else {
- plan skip_all => "Scalar::Util required for this test";
- }
+use Test::More tests => 31;
use Test::Exception;
my %destroyed;
$destroyed{ $self->type }++;
+sub do_test{
my $self = Class->new(type => 'accessor');
ok(Scalar::Util::isweak($object->{self}), "weak reference");
ok($object->self->self->self->self, "we've got circularity");
is($destroyed{accessor}, 1, "destroyed from the accessor");
is($destroyed{constructor}, 1, "destroyed from the constructor");
is($destroyed{middle}, 1, "casuality of war");
+ok(Class->meta->is_immutable, 'make_immutable made it immutable');
+is($destroyed{accessor}, 2, "destroyed from the accessor (after make_immutable)");
+is($destroyed{constructor}, 2, "destroyed from the constructor (after make_immutable)");
+is($destroyed{middle}, 2, "casuality of war (after make_immutable)");
ok(!Class->meta->get_attribute('type')->is_weak_ref, "type is not a weakref");
ok(Class->meta->get_attribute('self')->is_weak_ref, "self IS a weakref");
sub bar {}
package I;
+ no warnings 'once'; # work around 5.6.2
our $NOT_CODE = 1;
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 22;
+use Test::More tests => 26;
use Test::Exception;
package Class;
is( join(' ', sort $child_meta->get_method_list),
join(' ', sort qw(meta bishop child_method))
+can_ok($child_meta, 'find_method_by_name');
+is $child_meta->find_method_by_name('child_method')->fully_qualified_name, 'Child::child_method';
+is $child_meta->find_method_by_name('pawn')->fully_qualified_name, 'Class::pawn';
+is( join(' ', sort map{ $_->fully_qualified_name } grep{ $_->package_name ne 'Mouse::Object' } $child_meta->get_all_methods),
+ join(' ', sort qw(
+ Child::bishop Child::child_method Child::meta
+ Class::MY_CONST Class::has_pawn Class::pawn Class::stub Class::stub_with_attr
+ ))
eval {
excludes 'excluded';
- local our $TODO = "Mouse::Role does not currently support 'excludes'";
+ our $TODO;
+ local $TODO = "Mouse::Role does not currently support 'excludes'";
::ok(!$@, "excludes");
no Mouse::Role;