cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/cp.t See if ExtUtils::Command works
cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/eu_command.t See if ExtUtils::Command works
cpan/ExtUtils-Command/t/lib/ Testing library to capture prints
+cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code to import C header constants
+cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/ generate XS code to import C header constants
+cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code for proxy constants
+cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code to import C header constants
+cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code to import C header constants
+cpan/ExtUtils-Constant/t/Constant.t See if ExtUtils::Constant works
cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/bin/instmodsh Give information about installed extensions
cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/Changes MakeMaker change log
cpan/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/lib/ExtUtils/Command/ Calling MM functions from the cmd line
ext/Errno/Errno_pm.PL Errno perl module create script
ext/Errno/Makefile.PL Errno extension makefile writer
ext/Errno/t/Errno.t See if Errno works
-ext/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code to import C header constants
-ext/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/ generate XS code to import C header constants
-ext/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code for proxy constants
-ext/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code to import C header constants
-ext/ExtUtils-Constant/lib/ExtUtils/Constant/ generate XS code to import C header constants
-ext/ExtUtils-Constant/t/Constant.t See if ExtUtils::Constant works
ext/Fcntl/ Fcntl extension Perl module
ext/Fcntl/Fcntl.xs Fcntl extension external subroutines
ext/Fcntl/Makefile.PL Fcntl extension makefile writer
'MAINTAINER' => 'nwclark',
'DISTRIBUTION' => 'NWCLARK/ExtUtils-Constant-0.16.tar.gz',
- 'FILES' => q[ext/ExtUtils-Constant],
+ 'FILES' => q[cpan/ExtUtils-Constant],
'EXCLUDED' => [ qw{ lib/ExtUtils/Constant/