push @{$INFO{$target}{requires}||=[]}, @_;
*{_getglob "${target}::with"} = sub {
- die "Only one role supported at a time by with" if @_ > 1;
- $me->apply_role_to_package($target, $_[0]);
+ $me->apply_union_of_roles_to_package($target, @_);
# grab all *non-constant* (stash slot is not a scalarref) subs present
# in the symbol table and store their refaddrs (no need to forcibly
return $new_name;
+sub apply_union_of_roles_to_package {
+ my ($me, $to, @roles) = @_;
+ return $me->apply_role_to_package($to, $roles[0]) if @roles == 1;
+ _load_module($_) for @roles;
+ my %methods;
+ foreach my $role (@roles) {
+ my $this_methods = $me->_concrete_methods_of($role);
+ $methods{$_}{$this_methods->{$_}} = $role for keys %$this_methods;
+ }
+ delete $methods{$_} for grep keys(%{$methods{$_}}) == 1, keys %methods;
+ delete $methods{$_} for $me->_concrete_methods_of($to);
+ if (keys %methods) {
+ my $fail =
+ join "\n",
+ map "$_ is provided by: ".join(', ', values %{$methods{$_}}),
+ keys %methods;
+ die "Conflict combining ".join(', ', @roles);
+ }
+ $me->apply_role_to_package($to, $_) for @roles;
sub _composable_package_for {
my ($me, $role) = @_;
my $composed_name = 'Role::Tiny::_COMPOSABLE::'.$role;
sub _concrete_methods_of {
my ($me, $role) = @_;
my $info = $INFO{$role};
- $info->{methods} ||= do {
- # grab role symbol table
- my $stash = do { no strict 'refs'; \%{"${role}::"}};
- my $not_methods = $info->{not_methods};
- +{
- # grab all code entries that aren't in the not_methods list
- map {
- my $code = *{$stash->{$_}}{CODE};
- # rely on the '' key we added in import for "no code here"
- exists $not_methods->{$code||''} ? () : ($_ => $code)
- } grep !ref($stash->{$_}), keys %$stash
- };
+ # grab role symbol table
+ my $stash = do { no strict 'refs'; \%{"${role}::"}};
+ my $not_methods = $info->{not_methods};
+ +{
+ # grab all code entries that aren't in the not_methods list
+ map {
+ my $code = *{$stash->{$_}}{CODE};
+ # rely on the '' key we added in import for "no code here"
+ exists $not_methods->{$code||''} ? () : ($_ => $code)
+ } grep !ref($stash->{$_}), keys %$stash
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use lib 'lib', 't/role-basic/lib';
+use MyTests;
+require Role::Tiny::Restricted;
+ package My::Does::Basic1;
+ use Role::Tiny::Restricted;
+ requires 'turbo_charger';
+ sub method {
+ return __PACKAGE__ . " method";
+ }
+ package My::Does::Basic2;
+ use Role::Tiny::Restricted;
+ requires 'turbo_charger';
+ sub method2 {
+ return __PACKAGE__ . " method2";
+ }
+eval <<'END_PACKAGE';
+package My::Class1;
+use Role::Tiny::Restricted 'with';
+with qw(
+ My::Does::Basic1
+ My::Does::Basic2
+sub turbo_charger {}
+ok !$@, 'We should be able to use two roles with the same requirements'
+ or die $@;
+ package My::Does::Basic3;
+ use Role::Tiny::Restricted;
+ with 'My::Does::Basic2';
+ sub method3 {
+ return __PACKAGE__ . " method3";
+ }
+eval <<'END_PACKAGE';
+package My::Class2;
+use Role::Tiny::Restricted 'with';
+with qw(
+ My::Does::Basic3
+sub new { bless {} => shift }
+sub turbo_charger {}
+ok !$@, 'We should be able to use roles which consume roles'
+ or die $@;
+can_ok 'My::Class2', 'method2';
+is My::Class2->method2, 'My::Does::Basic2 method2',
+ '... and it should be the correct method';
+can_ok 'My::Class2', 'method3';
+is My::Class2->method3, 'My::Does::Basic3 method3',
+ '... and it should be the correct method';
+ok My::Class2->Role::Tiny::does_role('My::Does::Basic3'), 'A class DOES roles which it consumes';
+ok My::Class2->Role::Tiny::does_role('My::Does::Basic2'),
+ '... and should do roles which its roles consumes';
+ok !My::Class2->Role::Tiny::does_role('My::Does::Basic1'),
+ '... but not roles which it never consumed';
+my $object = My::Class2->new;
+ok $object->Role::Tiny::does_role('My::Does::Basic3'), 'An instance DOES roles which its class consumes';
+ok $object->Role::Tiny::does_role('My::Does::Basic2'),
+ '... and should do roles which its roles consumes';
+ok !$object->Role::Tiny::does_role('My::Does::Basic1'),
+ '... but not roles which it never consumed';
+ {
+ package Role::Which::Imports;
+ use Role::Tiny::Restricted allow => 'TestMethods';
+ use TestMethods qw(this that);
+ }
+ {
+ package Class::With::ImportingRole;
+ use Role::Tiny::Restricted 'with';
+ with 'Role::Which::Imports';
+ sub new { bless {} => shift }
+ }
+ my $o = Class::With::ImportingRole->new;
+ foreach my $method (qw/this that/) {
+ can_ok $o, $method;
+ ok $o->$method($method), '... and calling "allow"ed methods should succeed';
+ is $o->$method, $method, '... and it should function correctly';
+ }
+ {
+ package Role::WithImportsOnceRemoved;
+ use Role::Tiny::Restricted;
+ with 'Role::Which::Imports';
+ }
+ {
+ package Class::With::ImportingRole2;
+ use Role::Tiny::Restricted 'with';
+$ENV{DEBUG} = 1;
+ with 'Role::WithImportsOnceRemoved';
+ sub new { bless {} => shift }
+ }
+ ok my $o = Class::With::ImportingRole2->new,
+ 'We should be able to use roles which compose roles which import';
+ foreach my $method (qw/this that/) {
+ can_ok $o, $method;
+ ok $o->$method($method), '... and calling "allow"ed methods should succeed';
+ is $o->$method, $method, '... and it should function correctly';
+ }