--- /dev/null
+package SQL::Abstract::Role::Plugin;
+use Moo::Role;
+has sqla => (
+ is => 'ro', init_arg => undef,
+ handles => [ qw(
+ expand_expr render_aqt join_query_parts
+ ) ],
+sub cb {
+ my ($self, $method, @args) = @_;
+ return sub {
+ local $self->{sqla} = shift;
+ $self->$method(@args, @_)
+ };
+sub register {
+ my ($self, @pairs) = @_;
+ my $sqla = $self->sqla;
+ while (my ($method, $cases) = splice(@pairs, 0, 2)) {
+ my @cases = @$cases;
+ while (my ($name, $case) = splice(@cases, 0, 2)) {
+ $sqla->$method($name, $self->cb($case));
+ }
+ }
+ return $self;
+sub apply_to {
+ my ($self, $sqla) = @_;
+ $self = $self->new unless ref($self);
+ local $self->{sqla} = $sqla;
+ $self->register_extensions($sqla);
+requires 'register_extensions';
+=head1 NAME
+SQL::Abstract::Role::Plugin - helpful methods for plugin authors
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 apply_to
+Applies the plugin to an L<SQL::Abstract> object.
+=head2 register_extensions
+Provided by the plugin, registers its extensions to the sqla object.
+=head2 cb
+Creates a callback to call a method on the plugin.
+=head2 register
+Calls methods on the sqla object with arguments wrapped as callbacks.
+=head2 sqla
+Available only during plugin callback executions, contains the currently
+active L<SQL::Abstract> object.