- clarify exception occuring on unterminated try block (RT#75712)
- fix the prototypes shown in docs to match code (RT#79590; thanks, Pushtaev
+ - warn loudly on exceptions in finally() blocks
- doc fixes
package # hide from PAUSE
+ use constant UNSTABLE_DOLLARAT => ($] < '5.013002') ? 1 : 0;
sub _new {
bless [ @_ ];
- my @guts = @{ shift() };
- my $code = shift @guts;
- $code->(@guts);
+ my ($code, @args) = @{ $_[0] };
+ local $@ if UNSTABLE_DOLLARAT;
+ eval {
+ $code->(@args);
+ 1;
+ } or do {
+ warn
+ "Execution of finally() block $code resulted in an exception, which "
+ . '*CAN NOT BE PROPAGATED* due to fundamental limitations of Perl. '
+ . 'Your program will continue as if this event never took place. '
+ . "Original exception text follows:\n\n"
+ . (defined $@ ? $@ : '$@ left undefined...')
+ . "\n"
+ ;
+ }
not do anything about handling possible errors coming from code located in these
+Furthermore B<exceptions in C<finally> blocks are not trappable and are unable
+to influence the execution of your program>. This is due to limitation of
+C<DESTROY>-based scope guards, which C<finally> is implemented on top of. This
+may change in a future version of Try::Tiny.
In the same way C<catch()> blesses the code reference this subroutine does the same
except it bless them as C<Try::Tiny::Finally>.
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 24;
+use Test::More tests => 28;
BEGIN { use_ok 'Try::Tiny' };
is($_, "foo", "\$_ not localized (finally)");
is($_, "foo", "same afterwards");
+ my @warnings;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+ $_[0] =~ /\QExecution of finally() block CODE(0x\E.+\Q) resulted in an exception/
+ ? push @warnings, @_
+ : warn @_
+ };
+ try {
+ die 'tring'
+ } finally {
+ die 'fin 1'
+ } finally {
+ pass('fin 2 called')
+ } finally {
+ die 'fin 3'
+ };
+ is( scalar @warnings, 2, 'warnings from both fatal finally blocks' );
+ my @originals = sort map { $_ =~ /Original exception text follows:\n\n(.+)/s } @warnings;
+ like $originals[0], qr/fin 1 at/, 'First warning contains original exception';
+ like $originals[1], qr/fin 3 at/, 'Second warning contains original exception';