#-> sub CPAN::checklock ;
sub checklock {
my($self) = @_;
- my $lockfile = MM->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},".lock");
+ my $lockfile = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},".lock");
if (-f $lockfile && -M _ > 0) {
my $fh = FileHandle->new($lockfile) or
$CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not open $lockfile: $!");
unless ($fh = FileHandle->new(">$lockfile")) {
if ($! =~ /Permission/) {
my $incc = $INC{'CPAN/Config.pm'};
- my $myincc = MM->catfile($ENV{HOME},'.cpan','CPAN','MyConfig.pm');
+ my $myincc = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME},'.cpan','CPAN','MyConfig.pm');
Your configuration suggests that CPAN.pm should use a working
for ($dh->read) {
next if $_ eq "." || $_ eq "..";
if (-f $_) {
- push @entries, MM->catfile($dir,$_);
+ push @entries, File::Spec->catfile($dir,$_);
} elsif (-d _) {
- push @entries, MM->catdir($dir,$_);
+ push @entries, File::Spec->catdir($dir,$_);
} else {
$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Warning: weird direntry in $dir: $_\n");
eval {require CPAN::Config;}; # We eval because of some
# MakeMaker problems
unless ($dot_cpan++){
- unshift @INC, MM->catdir($ENV{HOME},".cpan");
+ unshift @INC, File::Spec->catdir($ENV{HOME},".cpan");
eval {require CPAN::MyConfig;}; # where you can override
# system wide settings
shift @INC;
} else {
my($path_to_cpan) = File::Basename::dirname($INC{"CPAN.pm"});
- my($configpmdir) = MM->catdir($path_to_cpan,"CPAN");
- my($configpmtest) = MM->catfile($configpmdir,"Config.pm");
+ my($configpmdir) = File::Spec->catdir($path_to_cpan,"CPAN");
+ my($configpmtest) = File::Spec->catfile($configpmdir,"Config.pm");
if (-d $configpmdir or File::Path::mkpath($configpmdir)) {
if (-w $configpmtest) {
$configpm = $configpmtest;
unless ($configpm) {
- $configpmdir = MM->catdir($ENV{HOME},".cpan","CPAN");
+ $configpmdir = File::Spec->catdir($ENV{HOME},".cpan","CPAN");
- $configpmtest = MM->catfile($configpmdir,"MyConfig.pm");
+ $configpmtest = File::Spec->catfile($configpmdir,"MyConfig.pm");
if (-w $configpmtest) {
$configpm = $configpmtest;
} elsif (-w $configpmdir) {
foreach $incdir ($CPAN::Config->{'cpan_home'},@INC) {
my @bbase = "Bundle";
while (my $bbase = shift @bbase) {
- $bdir = MM->catdir($incdir,split /::/, $bbase);
+ $bdir = File::Spec->catdir($incdir,split /::/, $bbase);
CPAN->debug("bdir[$bdir]\@bbase[@bbase]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
if ($dh = DirHandle->new($bdir)) { # may fail
for $entry ($dh->read) {
next if $entry =~ /^\./;
- if (-d MM->catdir($bdir,$entry)){
+ if (-d File::Spec->catdir($bdir,$entry)){
push @bbase, "$bbase\::$entry";
} else {
next unless $entry =~ s/\.pm(?!\n)\Z//;
my($self) = shift;
CPAN::Config->load unless $CPAN::Config_loaded++;
my(@bundle) = $self->_u_r_common("a",@_);
- my($todir) = MM->catdir($CPAN::Config->{'cpan_home'},"Bundle");
+ my($todir) = File::Spec->catdir($CPAN::Config->{'cpan_home'},"Bundle");
unless (-d $todir) {
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Couldn't mkdir $todir for some reason\n");
my($c) = 0;
my($me) = sprintf "Snapshot_%04d_%02d_%02d_%02d", $y, $m, $d, $c;
- my($to) = MM->catfile($todir,"$me.pm");
+ my($to) = File::Spec->catfile($todir,"$me.pm");
while (-f $to) {
$me = sprintf "Snapshot_%04d_%02d_%02d_%02d", $y, $m, $d, ++$c;
- $to = MM->catfile($todir,"$me.pm");
+ $to = File::Spec->catfile($todir,"$me.pm");
my($fh) = FileHandle->new(">$to") or Carp::croak "Can't open >$to: $!";
sub new {
my($class) = @_;
- my $file = MM->catfile($ENV{HOME},".netrc");
+ my $file = File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME},".netrc");
CPAN::Config->load; # we should guarantee loading wherever we rely
# on Config XXX
$localname ||= $wanted;
- my $abs_wanted = MM->catfile($CPAN::Config->{'keep_source_where'},
- $localname);
+ my $abs_wanted = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{'keep_source_where'},
+ $localname);
if (
-f $abs_wanted &&
-M $abs_wanted < $CPAN::Config->{'index_expire'} &&
CPAN::Distribution)) {
$cache->{$k} = $CPAN::META->{readonly}{$k}; # unsafe meta access, ok
- my $metadata_file = MM->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"Metadata");
+ my $metadata_file = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"Metadata");
$cache->{last_time} = $LAST_TIME;
$cache->{DATE_OF_02} = $DATE_OF_02;
my($self) = @_;
return unless $CPAN::Config->{'cache_metadata'};
return unless $CPAN::META->has_usable("Storable");
- my $metadata_file = MM->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"Metadata");
+ my $metadata_file = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"Metadata");
return unless -r $metadata_file and -f $metadata_file;
$CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Going to read $metadata_file\n");
my $cache;
my $chksumfile = shift;
my $recursive = shift;
my $lc_want =
- MM->catfile($CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where},
- "authors", "id", @$chksumfile);
+ File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where},
+ "authors", "id", @$chksumfile);
local($") = "/";
# connect "force" argument with "index_expire".
my $force = 0;
my($local_wanted) =
- MM->catfile(
- $CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where},
- "authors",
- "id",
- split("/",$self->id)
- );
+ File::Spec->catfile(
+ $CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where},
+ "authors",
+ "id",
+ split("/",$self->id)
+ );
$self->debug("Doing localize") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
unless ($local_file =
my ($distdir,$packagedir);
if (@readdir == 1 && -d $readdir[0]) {
$distdir = $readdir[0];
- $packagedir = MM->catdir($builddir,$distdir);
+ $packagedir = File::Spec->catdir($builddir,$distdir);
-d $packagedir and $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Removing previously used ".
my $pragmatic_dir = $userid . '000';
$pragmatic_dir =~ s/\W_//g;
$pragmatic_dir++ while -d "../$pragmatic_dir";
- $packagedir = MM->catdir($builddir,$pragmatic_dir);
+ $packagedir = File::Spec->catdir($builddir,$pragmatic_dir);
$self->debug("packagedir[$packagedir]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
for $f (@readdir) { # is already without "." and ".."
- my $to = MM->catdir($packagedir,$f);
+ my $to = File::Spec->catdir($packagedir,$f);
rename($f,$to) or Carp::confess("Couldn't rename $f to $to: $!");
- my($mpl) = MM->catfile($packagedir,"Makefile.PL");
+ my($mpl) = File::Spec->catfile($packagedir,"Makefile.PL");
my($mpl_exists) = -f $mpl;
unless ($mpl_exists) {
# NFS has been reported to have racing problems after the
)) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
- my($configure) = MM->catfile($packagedir,"Configure");
+ my($configure) = File::Spec->catfile($packagedir,"Configure");
if (-f $configure) {
# do we have anything to do?
$self->{'configure'} = $configure;
- } elsif (-f MM->catfile($packagedir,"Makefile")) {
+ } elsif (-f File::Spec->catfile($packagedir,"Makefile")) {
Package comes with a Makefile and without a Makefile.PL.
We\'ll try to build it with that Makefile then.
$self->debug("sans[$sans] suffix[$suffix]\n") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
my($local_wanted) =
- MM->catfile(
- $CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where},
- "authors",
- "id",
- split("/","$sans.readme"),
- );
+ File::Spec->catfile(
+ $CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where},
+ "authors",
+ "id",
+ split("/","$sans.readme"),
+ );
$self->debug("Doing localize") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
$local_file = CPAN::FTP->localize("authors/id/$sans.readme",
pop @local;
push @local, "CHECKSUMS";
$lc_want =
- MM->catfile($CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where},
- "authors", "id", @local);
+ File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where},
+ "authors", "id", @local);
local($") = "/";
if (
-s $lc_want
#-> sub CPAN::Distribution::perl ;
sub perl {
my($self) = @_;
- my($perl) = MM->file_name_is_absolute($^X) ? $^X : "";
+ my($perl) = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($^X) ? $^X : "";
my $pwd = CPAN::anycwd();
- my $candidate = MM->catfile($pwd,$^X);
+ my $candidate = File::Spec->catfile($pwd,$^X);
$perl ||= $candidate if MM->maybe_command($candidate);
unless ($perl) {
my ($component,$perl_name);
DIST_PERLNAME: foreach $perl_name ($^X, 'perl', 'perl5', "perl$]") {
- PATH_COMPONENT: foreach $component (MM->path(),
+ PATH_COMPONENT: foreach $component (File::Spec->path(),
$Config::Config{'binexp'}) {
next unless defined($component) && $component;
- my($abs) = MM->catfile($component,$perl_name);
+ my($abs) = File::Spec->catfile($component,$perl_name);
if (MM->maybe_command($abs)) {
$perl = $abs;
@me = split /::/, $self->id;
$me[-1] .= ".pm";
- $me = MM->catfile(@me);
+ $me = File::Spec->catfile(@me);
$from = $self->find_bundle_file($dist->{'build_dir'},$me);
- $to = MM->catfile($todir,$me);
+ $to = File::Spec->catfile($todir,$me);
File::Copy::copy($from, $to)
or Carp::confess("Couldn't copy $from to $to: $!");
my($self,$where,$what) = @_;
$self->debug("where[$where]what[$what]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
### The following two lines let CPAN.pm become Bundle/CPAN.pm :-(
-### my $bu = MM->catfile($where,$what);
+### my $bu = File::Spec->catfile($where,$what);
### return $bu if -f $bu;
- my $manifest = MM->catfile($where,"MANIFEST");
+ my $manifest = File::Spec->catfile($where,"MANIFEST");
unless (-f $manifest) {
require ExtUtils::Manifest;
my $cwd = CPAN::anycwd();
my($file) = /(\S+)/;
if ($file =~ m|\Q$what\E$|) {
$bu = $file;
- # return MM->catfile($where,$bu); # bad
+ # return File::Spec->catfile($where,$bu); # bad
# retry if she managed to
$bu = $file if $file =~ m|\Q$what2\E$|;
$bu =~ tr|/|:| if $^O eq 'MacOS';
- return MM->catfile($where, $bu) if $bu;
+ return File::Spec->catfile($where, $bu) if $bu;
Carp::croak("Couldn't find a Bundle file in $where");
$me[-1] .= ".pm";
foreach $incdir ($CPAN::Config->{'cpan_home'},@INC) {
- my $bfile = MM->catfile($incdir, @me);
+ my $bfile = File::Spec->catfile($incdir, @me);
CPAN->debug("bfile[$bfile]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
next unless -f $bfile;
my $foundv = MM->parse_version($bfile);
if (
- (-f ($mff = MM->catfile($dist->{build_dir}, "MANIFEST")))
+ (-f ($mff = File::Spec->catfile($dist->{build_dir}, "MANIFEST")))
$mfh = FileHandle->new($mff)
) {
$lfl =~ s/\s.*//; # remove comments
$lfl =~ s/\s+//g; # chomp would maybe be too system-specific
- my $lfl_abs = MM->catfile($dist->{build_dir},$lfl);
+ my $lfl_abs = File::Spec->catfile($dist->{build_dir},$lfl);
# warn "lfl_abs[$lfl_abs]";
if (-f $lfl_abs) {
$self->{MANPAGE} = $self->manpage_headline($lfl_abs);
@packpath = split /::/, $self->{ID};
$packpath[-1] .= ".pm";
foreach $dir (@INC) {
- my $pmfile = MM->catfile($dir,@packpath);
+ my $pmfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir,@packpath);
if (-f $pmfile){
return $pmfile;
push @packpath, $packpath[-1];
$packpath[-1] .= "." . $Config::Config{'dlext'};
foreach $dir (@INC) {
- my $xsfile = MM->catfile($dir,'auto',@packpath);
+ my $xsfile = File::Spec->catfile($dir,'auto',@packpath);
if (-f $xsfile){
return $xsfile;