BEGIN { router()->exclude_forwarding }
- log_debug { "Killing all child processes in the process group" };
- #FIXME update along with setpgrp() to not use a process
- #group anymore
+ our %child_pids;
+ log_trace { "END handler is being invoked in " . __PACKAGE__ };
- #send SIGINT to the process group for our children
- kill(1, -2);
+ foreach(keys(%child_pids)) {
+ log_debug { "Killing child process '$_'" };
+ kill('TERM', $_);
+ }
has _id => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, default => sub { our $NEXT_CONNECTION_ID++ } );
after BUILD => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $pid = $self->child_pid;
- unless (defined $pid) {
- log_trace { "After BUILD invoked for connection but there was no pid" };
- return;
- }
- log_trace { "Setting process group of child process '$pid'" };
- #FIXME moving things into a process group has side effects for
- #users of the library - move to a list
- setpgrp($self->child_pid, 1);
+ our %child_pids;
+ return unless defined $pid;
+ $child_pids{$pid} = 1;
+ return;
sub BUILD { }
sub _install_future_handlers {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
+ our %child_pids;
Dlog_trace { "Installing handlers into future for connection $_" } $self->_id;
$f->on_done(sub {
"Remote Perl interpreter exited with value '$exit_value'"
+ delete $child_pids{$pid};
return $f;
use Object::Remote::Connector::SSH;
my $defaults = Object::Remote::Connector::Local->new;
my $normal = $defaults->final_perl_command;
-my $ulimit = Object::Remote::Connector::Local->new(ulimit => "-v 536")->final_perl_command;
-my $nice = Object::Remote::Connector::Local->new(nice => 834)->final_perl_command;
-my $both = Object::Remote::Connector::Local->new(nice => 612, ulimit => "-v 913")->final_perl_command;
-my $ssh = Object::Remote::Connector::SSH->new(nice => 494, ulimit => "-v 782", ssh_to => 'testhost')->final_perl_command;
+my $ssh = Object::Remote::Connector::SSH->new(ssh_to => 'testhost')->final_perl_command;
is($defaults->timeout, 10, 'Default connection timeout value is correct');
is($defaults->watchdog_timeout, undef, 'Watchdog is not enabled by default');
-is($defaults->nice, undef, 'Nice is not enabled by default');
-is($defaults->ulimit, undef, 'Ulimit is not enabled by default');
is($defaults->stderr, undef, 'Child process STDERR is clone of parent process STDERR by default');
-is_deeply($normal, ['bash', '-c', 'perl -'], 'Default Perl interpreter arguments correct');
-is_deeply($ulimit, ['bash', '-c', 'ulimit -v 536 || exit 1; perl -'], 'Arguments for ulimit are correct');
-is_deeply($nice, ['bash', '-c', 'nice -n 834 perl -'], 'Arguments for nice are correct');
-is_deeply($both, ['bash', '-c', 'ulimit -v 913 || exit 1; nice -n 612 perl -'], 'Arguments for nice and ulimit are correct');
-is_deeply($ssh, [qw(ssh -A testhost), "bash -c 'ulimit -v 782 || exit 1; nice -n 494 perl -'"], "Arguments using ssh are correct");
+is_deeply($normal, ['perl', '-'], 'Default Perl interpreter arguments correct');
+is_deeply($ssh, [qw(ssh -A testhost), "perl -"], "Arguments using ssh are correct");