sub _normalize_lines {
my $self = shift @_;
- my $deliminator=qr{;|.$};
- my $quote=qr{['"]};
- my $quoted=qr{$quote.+?$quote};
- my $block=qr{$quoted|.};
my $comment = qr{--};
my @lines;
foreach my $line (@_) {
} else {
## a line may contain several commands
- my @parts = ($line=~m/$block*?$deliminator/xg);
+ my @parts = $self->_split_line_into_statements($line);
## clean empty or comment only lines
@parts = grep { $_ && $_ !~m/^\s* $comment/x } @parts;
## We are going to wrap it all in a transaction anyway
@parts = grep { $_ !~ /^(BEGIN|BEGIN TRANSACTION|COMMIT)/m } @parts;
## Some cleanup
@parts = map {
- $_=~s/$deliminator \s*?$comment.*?$//x; ## trim off ending comments
+ $_=~s/;\s*?$comment.*?$//; ## trim off ending comments
$_=~s/^\s*//g; ## trim leading whitespace
$_=~s/\s*$//g; ## trim ending whitespace
return @lines;
+=head2 _split_line_into_statements
+ my @statements = $storage->_split_line_into_statements($line);
+=item Arguments: String
+=item Returns: Array of SQL Statements
+Given a string, returns all the individual SQL statements in that String
+as an Array.
+my $maybe_quoted = qr/
+my @parts = ($line=~m/$maybe_quoted*?$deliminator/g);
+sub _split_line_into_statements {
+ my ($self, $line) = @_;
+ my $deliminator=qr{;|$};
+ my $quote=qr{['"]};
+ my $quoted=qr{$quote.+?$quote};
+ my $block=qr{$quoted|.};
+ my @parts = ($line=~m/$block*?$deliminator/xg);
+ return @parts;
=head2 _normalize_statements_from_lines
my @statements = $storage->_normalize_statements_from_lines(@lines)