--- /dev/null
+package Object::Remote::ConnectionServer;
+use Scalar::Util qw(blessed weaken);
+use Module::Runtime qw(use_module);
+use Object::Remote;
+use IO::Socket::UNIX;
+use POSIX ();
+use Moo;
+has listen_on => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ coerce => sub {
+ return $_[0] if blessed($_[0]);
+ unlink($_[0]);
+ IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
+ Local => $_[0],
+ Listen => 1
+ ) or die "Couldn't liten to $_[0]: $!";
+ },
+ trigger => sub {
+ my ($self, $fh) = @_;
+ weaken($self);
+ Object::Remote->current_loop
+ ->watch_io(
+ handle => $fh,
+ on_read_ready => sub { $self->_listen_ready($fh) }
+ );
+ },
+has connection_args => (
+ is => 'ro', default => sub { [] }
+sub BUILD {
+ Object::Remote->current_loop->want_run;
+sub run {
+ Object::Remote->current_loop->run_while_wanted;
+sub _listen_ready {
+ my ($self, $fh) = @_;
+ my $new = $fh->accept or die "Couldn't accept: $!";
+ $new->blocking(0);
+ my $f = CPS::Future->new;
+ my $c = use_module('Object::Remote::Connection')->new(
+ receive_from_fh => $new,
+ send_to_fh => $new,
+ on_close => $f, # and so will die $c
+ @{$self->connection_args}
+ );
+ $f->on_ready(sub { undef($c) });
+ $c->ready_future->done;
+ print $new "Shere\n" or die "Couldn't send to new socket: $!";
+ return $c;
+ my ($self, $gd) = @_;
+ return if $gd;
+ Object::Remote->current_loop
+ ->unwatch_io(
+ handle => $self->listen_on,
+ on_read_ready => 1
+ );
+ if ($self->listen_on->can('hostpath')) {
+ unlink($self->listen_on->hostpath);
+ }
+ Object::Remote->current_loop->want_stop;