--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::Fatal;
+use Test::More;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+subtype 'Inlinable',
+ as 'Str',
+ where { $_ !~ /Q/ },
+ inline_as { "defined $_[1] && ! ref $_[1] && $_[1] !~ /Q/" };
+subtype 'NotInlinable',
+ as 'Str',
+ where { $_ !~ /Q/ };
+my $inlinable = find_type_constraint('Inlinable');
+my $not_inlinable = find_type_constraint('NotInlinable');
+ ok(
+ $inlinable->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'Inlinable returns true for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ is(
+ $inlinable->_inline_check('$foo'),
+ 'defined $foo && ! ref $foo && $foo !~ /Q/',
+ 'got expected inline code for Inlinable constraint'
+ );
+ ok(
+ !$not_inlinable->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'NotInlinable returns false for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ like(
+ exception { $not_inlinable->_inline_check('$foo') },
+ qr/Cannot inline a type constraint check for NotInlinable/,
+ 'threw an exception when asking for inlinable code from type which cannot be inlined'
+ );
+ my $aofi = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[Inlinable]');
+ ok(
+ $aofi->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'ArrayRef[Inlinable] returns true for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ is(
+ $aofi->_inline_check('$foo'),
+ '&List::MoreUtils::all( sub { defined $_ && ! ref $_ && $_ !~ /Q/ }, @{$foo} )',
+ 'got expected inline code for ArrayRef[Inlinable] constraint'
+ );
+ my $aofni = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[NotInlinable]');
+ ok(
+ !$aofni->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'ArrayRef[NotInlinable] returns false for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+subtype 'ArrayOfInlinable',
+ as 'ArrayRef[Inlinable]';
+subtype 'ArrayOfNotInlinable',
+ as 'ArrayRef[NotInlinable]';
+ local $TODO = 'A subtype of a Parameterized type should not be a Parameterizable type';
+ my $aofi = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'ArrayRef[Inlinable]');
+ ok(
+ $aofi->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'ArrayOfInlinable returns true for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ my $hoaofi = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'HashRef[ArrayRef[Inlinable]]');
+ ok(
+ $hoaofi->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'HashRef[ArrayRef[Inlinable]] returns true for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ is(
+ $hoaofi->_inline_check('$foo'),
+ '&List::MoreUtils::all( sub { &List::MoreUtils::all( sub { defined $_ && ! ref $_ && $_ !~ /Q/ }, @{$_} ) }, values %{$foo} )',
+ 'got expected inline code for HashRef[ArrayRef[Inlinable]] constraint'
+ );
+ my $hoaofni = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'HashRef[ArrayRef[NotInlinable]]');
+ ok(
+ !$hoaofni->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'HashRef[ArrayRef[NotInlinable]] returns false for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ my $iunion = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'Inlinable | Object');
+ ok(
+ $iunion->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'Inlinable | Object returns true for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ is(
+ $iunion->_inline_check('$foo'),
+ '(defined $foo && ! ref $foo && $foo !~ /Q/) || (Scalar::Util::blessed( $foo ))',
+ 'got expected inline code for Inlinable | Object constraint'
+ );
+ my $niunion = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'NotInlinable | Object');
+ ok(
+ !$niunion->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'NotInlinable | Object returns false for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ my $iunion = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'Object | Inlinable');
+ ok(
+ $iunion->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'Object | Inlinable returns true for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ is(
+ $iunion->_inline_check('$foo'),
+ '(Scalar::Util::blessed( $foo )) || (defined $foo && ! ref $foo && $foo !~ /Q/)',
+ 'got expected inline code for Object | Inlinable constraint'
+ );
+ my $niunion = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'Object | NotInlinable');
+ ok(
+ !$niunion->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'Object | NotInlinable returns false for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ my $iunion = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'Object | Inlinable | CodeRef');
+ ok(
+ $iunion->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'Object | Inlinable | CodeRef returns true for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );
+ is(
+ $iunion->_inline_check('$foo'),
+ q{(Scalar::Util::blessed( $foo )) || (defined $foo && ! ref $foo && $foo !~ /Q/) || (ref $foo eq 'CODE')},
+ 'got expected inline code for Object | Inlinable | CodeRef constraint'
+ );
+ my $niunion = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_type_constraint(
+ 'Object | NotInlinable | CodeRef');
+ ok(
+ !$niunion->has_inlined_type_constraint,
+ 'Object | NotInlinable | CodeRef returns false for has_inlined_type_constraint'
+ );