extern SV *mop_VERSION;
extern SV *mop_ISA;
+/* MOP utilities */
UV mop_check_package_cache_flag(pTHX_ HV *stash);
int mop_get_code_info (SV *coderef, char **pkg, char **name);
SV *mop_call0(pTHX_ SV *const self, SV *const method);
HV *mop_get_all_package_symbols (HV *stash, type_filter_t filter);
-/* Class::MOP Magic stuff */
+#define MOPf_DIE_ON_FAIL 0x01
+MAGIC* mop_mg_find(pTHX_ SV* const sv, const MGVTBL* const vtbl, I32 const flags);
+#define MOP_av_at(av, ix) *mop_av_at_safe(aTHX_ (av) , (ix))
+SV** mop_av_at_safe(pTHX_ AV* const mi, I32 const ix);
+#define MOP_av_at(av, ix) AvARRAY(av)[ix]
+#define IsObject(sv) (SvROK(sv) && SvOBJECT(SvRV(sv)))
+#define newSVsv_share(sv) mop_newSVsv_share(aTHX_ sv)
+SV* mop_newSVsv_share(pTHX_ SV*);
+SV* mop_class_of(pTHX_ SV* const sv);
-/* MG: MOP Magic object */
+/* Class::MOP Magic stuff */
/* All the MOP_mg_* macros require MAGIC* mg for the first argument */
void (*weaken_slot) (pTHX_ SV* const mi, SV* const instance);
} mop_instance_vtbl;
+/* Class::MOP::Instance stuff */
SV* mop_instance_create (pTHX_ HV* const stash);
SV* mop_instance_slot (pTHX_ SV* const meta_instance, SV* const attr);
bool mop_instance_has_slot (pTHX_ SV* const instance, SV* const slot);
#define INSTALL_SIMPLE_PREDICATE_WITH_KEY(klass, name, key) (void)mop_install_accessor(aTHX_ "Class::MOP::" #klass "::has_" #name, #key, sizeof(#key)-1, mop_xs_simple_predicate_for_metaclass, NULL)
-#define MOPf_DIE_ON_FAIL 0x01
-MAGIC* mop_mg_find(pTHX_ SV* const sv, const MGVTBL* const vtbl, I32 const flags);
-#define MOP_av_at(av, ix) *mop_av_at_safe(aTHX_ (av) , (ix))
-SV** mop_av_at_safe(pTHX_ AV* const mi, I32 const ix);
-#define MOP_av_at(av, ix) AvARRAY(av)[ix]
-#define IsObject(sv) (SvROK(sv) && SvOBJECT(SvRV(sv)))
-#define newSVsv_share(sv) mop_newSVsv_share(aTHX_ sv)
-SV* mop_newSVsv_share(pTHX_ SV*);
-SV* mop_class_of(pTHX_ SV* const sv);