"which is the expected result for $pain");
+# Check that config entries appear correctly in @INC
+# TestInit.pm has probably already messed with our @INC
+my ($path, $ver, @orig_inc)
+ = split /\n/, runperl (nolib=>1, prog=>'print qq{$_\n} for $^X, $], @INC');
+die "This perl is $] at $^X; other perl is $ver (at $path) "
+ . '- failed to find this perl' unless $] eq $ver;
+my %orig_inc;
+@orig_inc{@orig_inc} = ();
+my $failed;
+# This is the order that directories are pushed onto @INC in perl.c:
+foreach my $lib (qw(applibexp archlibexp privlibexp sitearchexp sitelibexp
+ vendorarchexp vendorlibexp vendorlib_stem)) {
+ my $dir = $Config{$lib};
+ SKIP: {
+ skip "lib $lib not defined" unless defined $dir;
+ skip "lib $lib not set" unless length $dir;
+ # So we expect to find it in @INC
+ ok (exists $orig_inc{$dir}, "Expect $lib '$dir' to be in \@INC")
+ or $failed++;
+ }
+_diag ('@INC is:', @orig_inc) if $failed;