more examples than perlguts but something less overwhelming than perlapi.
Recipes should provide "one pretty good way to do it" instead of TIMTOWTDI.
+Rather than focusing on interfacing Perl to C libraries, such a cookbook
+should probably focus on how to optimize Perl routines by re-writing them
+in XS. This will likely be more motivating to those who mostly work in
+Perl but are looking to take the next step into XS.
+Deconstructing and explaining some simpler XS modules could be one way to
+bootstrap a cookbook. (List::Util? Class::XSAccessor? Tree::Ternary_XS?)
+Another option could be deconstructing the implementation of some simpler
+functions in op.c.
=head2 Remove the use of SVs as temporaries in dump.c
F<dump.c> contains debugging routines to dump out the contains of perl data