$op, $self->_ident_to_dq($k), $self->_literal_to_dq($$rhs)
+ if (grep !defined, @$rhs) {
+ my ($inop, $logic, $nullop) = $op =~ /^NOT/
+ ? (-not_in => AND => { '!=' => undef })
+ : (-in => OR => undef);
+ return $self->_expr_to_dq_ARRAYREF([
+ { $k => { $inop => [grep defined, @$rhs] } },
+ { $k => $nullop },
+ ], $logic);
+ }
return $self->_literal_to_dq(
$op =~ /^NOT/ ? $self->{sqltrue} : $self->{sqlfalse}
) unless @$rhs;
stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( 0=1 AND 1=1 AND `c` IN ( ? ))',
bind => [ 42 ],
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*', { a => { -in => [42, undef] }, b => { -not_in => [42, undef] } } ],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( ( a IN ( ? ) OR a IS NULL ) AND b NOT IN ( ? ) AND b IS NOT NULL )',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( ( `a` IN ( ? ) OR `a` IS NULL ) AND `b` NOT IN ( ? ) AND `b` IS NOT NULL )',
+ bind => [ 42, 42 ],
+ },
for my $t (@tests) {