requires 'MooseX::ConfigFromFile' => '0.02';
requires 'Config::Any' => '0.13';
+test_requires 'Test::More' => '0.88';
# Rebuild README for maintainers
system("pod2text lib/MooseX/ >README") and die
if $Module::Install::AUTHOR;
use lib 't/lib';
use lib '../t/lib';
+use Test::More;
+our @classes;
- use Test::More;
+ @classes = qw/ MXDefaultConfigTest MXDefaultMultipleConfigsTest /;
eval "use YAML::Syck ()";
if($@) {
plan skip_all => "YAML or YAML::Syck required for this test";
- plan tests => 7;
- use_ok('MXDefaultConfigTest');
- use_ok('MXDefaultWithSubConfigTest');
+ use_ok($_) for @classes;
# Can it load a simple YAML file with the options
print $test_yaml "direct_attr: 123\ninherited_ro_attr: asdf\nreq_attr: foo\n";
+foreach my $class (@classes) {
my $foo = eval {
- MXDefaultConfigTest->new_with_config();
+ $class->new_with_config();
ok(!$@, 'Did not die with good YAML configfile')
or diag $@;
is($foo->req_attr, 'foo', 'req_attr works');
is($foo->direct_attr, 123, 'direct_attr works');
is($foo->inherited_ro_attr, 'asdf', 'inherited_ro_attr works');
- $foo = eval {
- MXDefaultWithSubConfigTest->new_with_config();
- };
- ok(!$@, 'Did not die with good YAML configfile')
- or diag $@;
END { unlink('test.yaml') }
-package MXDefaultWithSubConfigTest;
+package MXDefaultMultipleConfigsTest;
use Moose;
with 'MooseX::SimpleConfig';
has 'req_attr' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
has '+configfile' => ( default => sub { [ 'test.yaml' ] } );
-#has '+configfile' => ( default => 'test.yaml' );
no Moose;