* Moose::Meta::Role::Application::ToClass
- - fixed issues where excluding and aliasing the
- same methods for a single role did not work
- right (worked just fine with multiple roles)
- - added test for this
+ - fixed issues where excluding and aliasing the
+ same methods for a single role did not work
+ right (worked just fine with multiple
+ roles) (stevan)
+ - added test for this (stevan)
* Moose::Meta::Role::Application::RoleSummation
- fixed the error message when trying to compose
a role with a role it excludes (Sartak)
* Moose::Meta::Role
- create method for constructing a role
dynamically (Sartak)
- - begin implementing anonymous roles (Sartak)
+ - added test for this (Sartak)
+ - anonymous roles! (Sartak)
+ - added test for this (Sartak)
* Moose::Role
- more consistent error messages (Sartak)