use Moose;
use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
- subtype 'Gender'
+ subtype 'Sex'
=> as 'Str'
=> where { $_ =~ m{^[mf]$}s };
- has 'gender' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Gender', required => 1 );
+ has 'sex' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Sex', required => 1 );
has 'mother' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );
has 'father' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Human' );
my ( $one, $two ) = @_;
die('Only male and female humans may create children')
- if ( $one->gender() eq $two->gender() );
+ if ( $one->sex() eq $two->sex() );
my ( $mother, $father )
- = ( $one->gender eq 'f' ? ( $one, $two ) : ( $two, $one ) );
+ = ( $one->sex eq 'f' ? ( $one, $two ) : ( $two, $one ) );
- my $gender = 'f';
- $gender = 'm' if ( rand() >= 0.5 );
+ my $sex = 'f';
+ $sex = 'm' if ( rand() >= 0.5 );
return Human->new(
- gender => $gender,
+ sex => $sex,
mother => $mother,
father => $father,
Our C<Human> class uses operator overloading to allow us to "add" two
humans together and produce a child. Our implementation does require
-that the two objects be of opposite genders. Remember, we're talking
+that the two objects be of opposite sex. Remember, we're talking
about biological reproduction, not marriage.
While this example works as-is, we can take it a lot further by adding
account for eye color:
return Human->new(
- gender => $gender,
+ sex => $sex,
eye_color => ( $one->eye_color() + $two->eye_color() ),
mother => $mother,
father => $father,