sub tests06 {
- has_meta('Person');
- has_meta('Employee');
- no_droppings('BankAccount');
- has_rw_attr( 'BankAccount', 'balance' );
- has_rw_attr( 'BankAccount', 'owner' );
- has_ro_attr( 'BankAccount', 'history' );
+ has_rw_attr( 'BankAccount', $_ ) for qw( balance owner );
my $ba_meta = BankAccount->meta;
- $ba_meta->has_attribute('balance'),
- 'BankAccount class has a balance attribute'
+ $ba_meta->get_attribute('owner')->is_weak_ref,
+ 'owner attribute is a weak ref'
+ has_method( 'BankAccount', $_ ) for qw( deposit withdraw );
+ has_ro_attr( 'BankAccount', 'history' );
my $history_attr = $ba_meta->get_attribute('history');
+ is_deeply(
+ $history_attr->default->(),
+ [],
+ 'BankAccount history attribute defaults to []'
+ );
+ {
+ my $tc = $history_attr->type_constraint;
+ for my $invalid ( 0, 42, undef, {}, [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ) {
+ my $str = defined $invalid ? $invalid : 'undef';
+ ok(
+ !$tc->check($invalid),
+ "salary_level type rejects invalid value - $str"
+ );
+ }
+ for my $valid ( [], [1], [ 1, 2, 3 ], [ 1, -10, 9999 ] ) {
+ ok(
+ $tc->check($valid),
+ "salary_level type accepts valid value"
+ );
+ }
+ }
'BankAccount balance attribute has a trigger'
+ has_meta('Person');
my $person_meta = Person->meta;
+ ok( !$person_meta->does_role('HasAccount'),
+ 'Person class does not do the HasAccount role' );
'Person class does not have a balance attribute'
my $withdraw_meth = $person_meta->get_method('withdraw');
isa_ok( $withdraw_meth, 'Moose::Meta::Method::Delegation' );
- ok(
- $ba_meta->get_attribute('owner')->is_weak_ref,
- 'owner attribute is a weak ref'
- );
+ has_meta('Employee');
+ no_droppings('BankAccount');
sub has_meta {