+0.00600 Dec 17, 2008
- Add test for a 'meta' accessor, which we need to treat as a
special case (t0m)
- Add test for not replacing pre-existing accessors generally,
which is behavior we don't want to lose (t0m)
+ - Don't use ->meta
+ - Don't use ->can
+ - Attempt to support attrs named meta with no success. test marked as todo.
0.00500 Dec 9, 2008
- make_accessor, make_ro_accessor, make_rw_accessor
- tests
use Moose;
+use namespace::clean;
with 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast';
package MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast;
use Moose::Role;
+use Class::MOP ();
+use Scalar::Util ();
-our $VERSION = '0.00500';
+our $VERSION = '0.00600';
=head1 NAME
+my $locate_metaclass = sub {
+ my $class = Scalar::Util::blessed($_[0]) || $_[0];
+ return Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name($class)
+ || Moose::Meta::Class->initialize($class);
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
my %args;
sub mk_accessors{
my $self = shift;
- my $meta = $self->meta;
+ my $meta = $locate_metaclass->($self);
for my $attr_name (@_){
my $reader = $self->accessor_name_for($attr_name);
my $writer = $self->mutator_name_for( $attr_name);
#dont overwrite existing methods
if($reader eq $writer){
- my %opts = ( $self->can($reader) ? () : (accessor => $reader) );
+ my %opts = ( $meta->has_method($reader) ? () : (accessor => $reader) );
my $attr = $meta->add_attribute($attr_name, %opts);
if($attr_name eq $reader){
my $alias = "_${attr_name}_accessor";
- next if $self->can($alias);
- my @alias_method = $opts{accessor} ? ( $alias => $self->can($reader) )
- : ( $attr->process_accessors(accessor => $alias, 0 ) );
+ next if $meta->has_method($alias);
+ my @alias_method = $attr->process_accessors(accessor => $alias, 0);
} else {
- my @opts = ( $self->can($writer) ? () : (writer => $writer) );
- push(@opts, (reader => $reader)) unless $self->can($reader);
+ my @opts = ( $meta->has_method($writer) ? () : (writer => $writer) );
+ push(@opts, (reader => $reader)) unless $meta->has_method($reader);
$meta->add_attribute($attr_name, @opts);
sub mk_ro_accessors{
my $self = shift;
- my $meta = $self->meta;
+ my $meta = $locate_metaclass->($self);
for my $attr_name (@_){
my $reader = $self->accessor_name_for($attr_name);
- my @opts = ($self->can($reader) ? () : (reader => $reader) );
+ my @opts = ($meta->has_method($reader) ? () : (reader => $reader) );
my $attr = $meta->add_attribute($attr_name, @opts);
if($reader eq $attr_name && $reader eq $self->mutator_name_for($attr_name)){
$meta->add_method("_${attr_name}_accessor" => $attr->get_read_method_ref)
- unless $self->can("_${attr_name}_accessor");
+ unless $meta->has_method("_${attr_name}_accessor");
#this is retarded.. but we need it for compatibility or whatever.
sub mk_wo_accessors{
my $self = shift;
- my $meta = $self->meta;
+ my $meta = $locate_metaclass->($self);
for my $attr_name (@_){
my $writer = $self->mutator_name_for($attr_name);
- my @opts = ($self->can($writer) ? () : (writer => $writer) );
+ my @opts = ($meta->has_method($writer) ? () : (writer => $writer) );
my $attr = $meta->add_attribute($attr_name, @opts);
if($writer eq $attr_name && $writer eq $self->accessor_name_for($attr_name)){
$meta->add_method("_${attr_name}_accessor" => $attr->get_write_method_ref)
- unless $self->can("_${attr_name}_accessor");
+ unless $meta->has_method("_${attr_name}_accessor");
sub follow_best_practice{
my $self = shift;
- my $meta = $self->meta;
+ my $meta = $locate_metaclass->($self);
my $self = shift;
my $k = shift;
confess "Wrong number of arguments received" unless scalar @_;
+ my $meta = $locate_metaclass->($self);
- #my $writer = $self->mutator_name_for( $k );
confess "No such attribute '$k'"
- unless ( my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name($k) );
- my $writer = $attr->writer || $attr->accessor;
+ unless ( my $attr = $meta->find_attribute_by_name($k) );
+ my $writer = $attr->get_write_method;
$self->$writer(@_ > 1 ? [@_] : @_);
sub get{
my $self = shift;
confess "Wrong number of arguments received" unless scalar @_;
+ my $meta = $locate_metaclass->($self);
my @values;
- #while( my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name( shift(@_) ){
for( @_ ){
confess "No such attribute '$_'"
- unless ( my $attr = $self->meta->find_attribute_by_name($_) );
- my $reader = $attr->reader || $attr->accessor;
+ unless ( my $attr = $meta->find_attribute_by_name($_) );
+ my $reader = $attr->get_read_method;
@_ > 1 ? push(@values, $self->$reader) : return $self->$reader;
sub make_accessor {
my($class, $field) = @_;
- my $meta = $class->meta;
+ my $meta = $locate_metaclass->($class);
my $attr = $meta->find_attribute_by_name($field) || $meta->add_attribute($field);
my $reader = $attr->get_read_method_ref;
my $writer = $attr->get_write_method_ref;
sub make_ro_accessor {
my($class, $field) = @_;
- my $meta = $class->meta;
+ my $meta = $locate_metaclass->($class);
my $attr = $meta->find_attribute_by_name($field) || $meta->add_attribute($field);
return $attr->get_read_method_ref;
sub make_wo_accessor {
my($class, $field) = @_;
- my $meta = $class->meta;
+ my $meta = $locate_metaclass->($class);
my $attr = $meta->find_attribute_by_name($field) || $meta->add_attribute($field);
return $attr->get_write_method_ref;
=head2 meta
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Class::MOP ();
+use Test::More skip_all => 'TODO'; #
+use MooseX::Adopt::Class::Accessor::Fast;
+ package TestPackage;
+ use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
+ __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/ meta /);
+my $i = TestPackage->new( meta => 66 );
+is $i->meta, 66, 'meta accessor read value from constructor';
+is $i->meta, 9, 'meta accessor read set value';
+my $meta = Class::MOP::get_metaclass_for('TestPackage');
+is $i->meta, 9, 'meta accessor read value from constructor';
+is $i->meta, 66, 'meta accessor read set value';
+++ /dev/null
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 12;
-use MooseX::Adopt::Class::Accessor::Fast;
- package TestPackage;
- use Moose;
- with 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast';
- __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/ normal /);
- __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable;
- package TestPackage::SubClass::Accessors;
- use base qw/TestPackage/;
- __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/ meta /);
- package TestPackage::SubClass::Readonly;
- use base qw/TestPackage/;
- __PACKAGE__->mk_ro_accessors(qw/ meta /);
- package TestPackage::SubClass::Writeonly;
- use base qw/TestPackage/;
- __PACKAGE__->mk_wo_accessors(qw(sekret double_sekret));
-# This setup is a _specific_ example from Catalyst.
-# CAF _will not_ replace a pre-existing symbol, but there never
-# used to be a 'meta' symbol before CAF things are ported to Moose
-# Therefore, 'meta' needs to be treated as a special case, as
-# code which is _not_ using the symbol already should be allowed to
-# say $self->meta, and get all the Moose goodness, but code which
-# makes an accessor called ->meta should still work!
-# 22:22 <@groditi> the difference is meta wasnt there as a method before, but MooseX::Adopt::CAF does have a meta method.
-# 22:23 <@groditi> i guess i could namespace::clean it out. but it might create confusion
-# 22:23 * t0m nod - I think we need a special case for this..
-# 22:23 <@groditi> mst: thoughts?
-# 22:23 <@mst> Moose needs to not export 'meta' if you don't want it
-# 22:24 <@groditi> so namespace::clean it out or what?
-# 22:25 <@mst> hmm
-# 22:25 <@mst> does ->mk_accessors(qw(meta)) work if you do "use base qw(...)" instead of use Moose ?
-# 22:26 <@mst> if it doesn't, then it isn't a bug in CAF
-# 22:27 <@groditi> its my bug. because Adopt does use Moose because Emulate is a role
-# 22:27 <@groditi> so if you isa CAF then you definitely can(meta)
-# 22:27 <@t0m> I think that if the user makes an accessor called 'meta', we need to remove the Moose package symbol, and
-# immutable the class so the the accessor / constructor doesn't touch meta..
-# 22:27 <@t0m> and generate a warning.
-# 22:28 <@t0m> which is ugly as, but kinda works.
-# 22:29 <@groditi> ok ok. i'll do has_method
-# 22:29 <@t0m> as you want users who aren't shitting on the moose symbol to be able to call $self->meta as they 'Moosify'
-# 22:29 <@groditi> this sucks though because Emulate counts on meta being there
-# 22:30 <@groditi> ok well this requires major major changes so delayed until i finish finals
-# Suggested fix - something less hacky than:
-#Index: lib/MooseX/Emulate/Class/Accessor/Fast.pm
-#--- lib/MooseX/Emulate/Class/Accessor/Fast.pm (revision 7035)
-#+++ lib/MooseX/Emulate/Class/Accessor/Fast.pm (working copy)
-#@@ -93,14 +93,15 @@
-# sub mk_accessors{
-# my $self = shift;
-#- my $meta = $self->meta;
-#+ my $meta = $self->Moose::Object::meta;
-#+ $meta->make_mutable if $meta->is_immutable;
-# for my $attr_name (@_){
-# my $reader = $self->accessor_name_for($attr_name);
-# my $writer = $self->mutator_name_for( $attr_name);
-# #dont overwrite existing methods
-# if($reader eq $writer){
-#- my %opts = ( $self->can($reader) ? () : (accessor => $reader) );
-#+ my %opts = ( $self->can($reader) && $reader ne 'meta' ? () : (accessor => $reader) );
-# my $attr = $meta->add_attribute($attr_name, %opts);
-# if($attr_name eq $reader){
-# my $alias = "_${attr_name}_accessor";
-#@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@
-# $meta->add_attribute($attr_name, @opts);
-# }
-# }
-#+ $meta->make_immutable;
-# }
- my $i = TestPackage::SubClass::Accessors->new({ normal => 42, meta => 66 });
- # 1,2
- is $i->normal, 42, 'normal accessor read value from constructor';
- $i->normal(2);
- is $i->normal, 2, 'normal accessor read set value';
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'meta method needs special case';
- # 3,4
- is $i->meta, 66, 'meta accessor read value from constructor';
- $i->meta(9);
- is $i->meta, 9, 'meta accessor read set value';
- }
- my $i = TestPackage::SubClass::Readonly->new({ normal => 42, meta => 66 });
- # 5,6
- is $i->normal, 42, 'normal accessor read value from constructor';
- $i->{normal} = 2;
- is $i->normal, 2, 'normal accessor read set value';
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'meta method needs special case';
- # 7,8
- is $i->meta, 66, 'meta accessor read value from constructor';
- $i->{meta} = 9;
- is $i->meta, 9, 'meta accessor read set value';
- }
- my $i = TestPackage::SubClass::Writeonly->new({ normal => 42, meta => 66 });
- # 9,10
- is $i->normal, 42, 'normal accessor read value from constructor';
- $i->normal(2);
- is $i->normal, 2, 'normal accessor read set value';
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'meta method needs special case';
- # 11,12
- is $i->{meta}, 66, 'meta accessor read value from constructor';
- $i->meta(9);
- is $i->{meta}, 9, 'meta accessor read set value';
- }
+#!/usr/binperl -w
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
package SomeClass;
- #use base qw/Class::Accessor::Fast/;
use Moose;
with 'MooseX::Emulate::Class::Accessor::Fast';
sub anaccessor { 'wibble' }
- #sub new { bless {}, 'SomeClass' }
package SubClass;
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/ anaccessor anotherone /);
-use Test::More tests => 6;
# 1, 2
my $someclass = SomeClass->new;
-is $someclass->anaccessor, 'wibble';
+is($someclass->anaccessor, 'wibble');
-is $someclass->anaccessor, 'wibble';
+is($someclass->anaccessor, 'wibble');
# 3-6
my $subclass = SubClass->new;
-is $subclass->anaccessor, 'wibble';
+ok( not defined $subclass->anaccessor );
-is $subclass->anaccessor, 'wibble';
-is $subclass->anotherone, 'flibble';
+is($subclass->anaccessor, 'fnord');
+is($subclass->anotherone, 'flibble');
-is $subclass->anotherone, 'flibble';
+is($subclass->anotherone, 'flibble');