@INC = '../lib';
use warnings;
-print "1..127\n";
+print "1..129\n";
# these shouldn't hang
my $upperfirst = 'A' lt 'a';
# Beware: in future this may become hairier because of possible
-# collation complications: qw(A a B c) can be sorted at least as
+# collation complications: qw(A a B b) can be sorted at least as
# any of the following
# A a B b
@input = sort {$b <=> $a} @input;
ok "@input", "G H I D E F A B C", 'stable $b <=> $a in place sort';
+# test that optimized {$b cmp $a} and {$b <=> $a} remain stable
+# (new in 5.9) without overloading
+{ no warnings;
+@b = sort { $b <=> $a } @input = qw/5first 6first 5second 6second/;
+ok "@b" , "6first 6second 5first 5second", "optimized {$b <=> $a} without overloading" ;
+@input = sort {$b <=> $a} @input;
+ok "@input" , "6first 6second 5first 5second","inline optimized {$b <=> $a} without overloading" ;
# These two are actually doing string cmp on 0 1 and 2
@input = &generate1;
@output = reverse sort @input;