my ($parent_name) = @parent_names;
my $parent_meta = Class::MOP::Class->initialize($parent_name);
+ my @roles = $meta->can('calculate_all_roles_with_inheritance')
+ ? $meta->calculate_all_roles_with_inheritance
+ : ();
# loop over all methods that are a part of the current class
# (not inherited)
for my $method (map { $meta->get_method($_) } $meta->get_method_list) {
# always ignore meta
next if $method->name eq 'meta';
# we'll deal with attributes below
- next if $method->isa('Class::MOP::Method::Accessor');
+ next if $method->can('associated_attribute');
# if the method comes from a role we consumed, ignore it
next if $meta->can('does_role')
&& $meta->does_role($method->original_package_name);
+ # FIXME - this really isn't right. Just because a modifier is
+ # defined in a role doesn't mean it isn't _also_ defined in the
+ # subclass.
+ next if $method->isa('Class::MOP::Method::Wrapped')
+ && (
+ (!scalar($method->around_modifiers)
+ || any { $_->has_around_method_modifiers($method->name) } @roles)
+ && (!scalar($method->before_modifiers)
+ || any { $_->has_before_method_modifiers($method->name) } @roles)
+ && (!scalar($method->after_modifiers)
+ || any { $_->has_after_method_modifiers($method->name) } @roles)
+ );
return 0;
# defined in a role doesn't mean it isn't _also_ defined in the
# subclass.
for my $attr (map { $meta->get_attribute($_) } $meta->get_attribute_list) {
- next if any { $_->has_attribute($attr->name) }
- $meta->calculate_all_roles_with_inheritance;
+ next if any { $_->has_attribute($attr->name) } @roles;
return 0;