=head1 NAME
-Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints - simple type constraints
+Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints - Type constraint system for Mouse
+=head2 SYNOPSIS
+ use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ subtype 'Natural'
+ => as 'Int'
+ => where { $_ > 0 };
+ subtype 'NaturalLessThanTen'
+ => as 'Natural'
+ => where { $_ < 10 }
+ => message { "This number ($_) is not less than ten!" };
+ coerce 'Num'
+ => from 'Str'
+ => via { 0+$_ };
+ enum 'RGBColors' => qw(red green blue);
+ no Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;
+This module provides Mouse with the ability to create custom type
+constraints to be used in attribute definition.
+=head2 Important Caveat
+This is B<NOT> a type system for Perl 5. These are type constraints,
+and they are not used by Mouse unless you tell it to. No type
+inference is performed, expressions are not typed, etc. etc. etc.
+A type constraint is at heart a small "check if a value is valid"
+function. A constraint can be associated with an attribute. This
+simplifies parameter validation, and makes your code clearer to read,
+because you can refer to constraints by name.
+=head2 Slightly Less Important Caveat
+It is B<always> a good idea to quote your type names.
+This prevents Perl from trying to execute the call as an indirect
+object call. This can be an issue when you have a subtype with the
+same name as a valid class.
+For instance:
+ subtype DateTime => as Object => where { $_->isa('DateTime') };
+will I<just work>, while this:
+ use DateTime;
+ subtype DateTime => as Object => where { $_->isa('DateTime') };
+will fail silently and cause many headaches. The simple way to solve
+this, as well as future proof your subtypes from classes which have
+yet to have been created, is to quote the type name:
+ use DateTime;
+ subtype 'DateTime' => as 'Object' => where { $_->isa('DateTime') };
+=head2 Default Type Constraints
+This module also provides a simple hierarchy for Perl 5 types, here is
+that hierarchy represented visually.
+ Any
+ Item
+ Bool
+ Maybe[`a]
+ Undef
+ Defined
+ Value
+ Num
+ Int
+ Str
+ ClassName
+ RoleName
+ Ref
+ ScalarRef
+ ArrayRef[`a]
+ HashRef[`a]
+ CodeRef
+ RegexpRef
+ GlobRef
+ FileHandle
+ Object
+ Role
+B<NOTE:> Any type followed by a type parameter C<[`a]> can be
+parameterized, this means you can say:
+ ArrayRef[Int] # an array of integers
+ HashRef[CodeRef] # a hash of str to CODE ref mappings
+ Maybe[Str] # value may be a string, may be undefined
+If Mouse finds a name in brackets that it does not recognize as an
+existing type, it assumes that this is a class name, for example
+B<NOTE:> Unless you parameterize a type, then it is invalid to include
+the square brackets. I.e. C<ArrayRef[]> will be treated as a new type
+name, I<not> as a parameterization of C<ArrayRef>.
+B<NOTE:> The C<Undef> type constraint for the most part works
+correctly now, but edge cases may still exist, please use it
+B<NOTE:> The C<ClassName> type constraint does a complex package
+existence check. This means that your class B<must> be loaded for this
+type constraint to pass.
+B<NOTE:> The C<RoleName> constraint checks a string is a I<package
+name> which is a role, like C<'MyApp::Role::Comparable'>. The C<Role>
+constraint checks that an I<object does> the named role.
+=head2 Type Constraint Naming
+Type name declared via this module can only contain alphanumeric
+characters, colons (:), and periods (.).
+Since the types created by this module are global, it is suggested
+that you namespace your types just as you would namespace your
+modules. So instead of creating a I<Color> type for your
+B<My::Graphics> module, you would call the type
+I<My::Graphics::Types::Color> instead.
+=head2 Use with Other Constraint Modules
+This module can play nicely with other constraint modules with some
+slight tweaking. The C<where> clause in types is expected to be a
+C<CODE> reference which checks it's first argument and returns a
+boolean. Since most constraint modules work in a similar way, it
+should be simple to adapt them to work with Mouse.
+For instance, this is how you could use it with
+L<Declare::Constraints::Simple> to declare a completely new type.
+ type 'HashOfArrayOfObjects',
+ {
+ where => IsHashRef(
+ -keys => HasLength,
+ -values => IsArrayRef(IsObject)
+ )
+ };
+Here is an example of using L<Test::Deep> and it's non-test
+related C<eq_deeply> function.
+ type 'ArrayOfHashOfBarsAndRandomNumbers'
+ => where {
+ eq_deeply($_,
+ array_each(subhashof({
+ bar => isa('Bar'),
+ random_number => ignore()
+ })))
+ };
=head1 METHODS
+=head1 THANKS
+Much of this documentation was taken from L<Moose::Util::TypeConstraints>