use Moose::Role;
use Date::Parse;
use Text::Tradition::Stemma;
-use Text::Tradition::StemmaUtil qw/ parse_newick /;
=head1 NAME
if( $answer->{format} eq 'dot' ) {
$self->add_stemma( dot => $answer->{result} );
} elsif( $answer->{format} eq 'newick' ) {
- $stemmata = parse_newick( $answer->{result} );
+ $stemmata = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new_from_newick( $answer->{result} );
my $title = sprintf( "%s %d", $answer->{algorithm},
str2time( $answer->{start_time} ) );
my $i = 0;
use Graph::Reader::Dot;
use IPC::Run qw/ run binary /;
use Text::Tradition::Error;
+use Text::Tradition::StemmaUtil qw/ editable_graph display_graph parse_newick /;
use Moose;
=head1 NAME
return $self->graph->is_undirected;
+=head2 new_from_newick( $newick_string )
+A constructor that will read a Newick-format tree specification and return one
+or more undirected Stemma objects. TODO test
+sub new_from_newick {
+ my( $class, $nstring ) = @_;
+ my @stemmata;
+ foreach my $tree ( parse_newick( $nstring ) ) {
+ my $stemma = new( $class, graph => $tree );
+ push( @stemmata, $stemma );
+ }
+ return \@stemmata;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 as_dot( \%options )
map { $extant->{$_} = 1 } $self->witnesses;
$graph = $self->situation_graph( $extant, $opts->{'layerwits'} );
- # Get default and specified options
- my %graphopts = (
- # 'ratio' => 1,
- 'bgcolor' => 'transparent',
- );
- my %nodeopts = (
- 'fontsize' => 11,
- 'style' => 'filled',
- 'fillcolor' => 'white',
- 'color' => 'white',
- 'shape' => 'ellipse', # Shape for the extant nodes
- );
- my %edgeopts = (
- 'arrowhead' => 'none',
- );
- @graphopts{ keys %{$opts->{'graph'}} } = values %{$opts->{'graph'}}
- if $opts->{'graph'};
- @nodeopts{ keys %{$opts->{'node'}} } = values %{$opts->{'node'}}
- if $opts->{'node'};
- @edgeopts{ keys %{$opts->{'edge'}} } = values %{$opts->{'edge'}}
- if $opts->{'edge'};
- my $gdecl = $graph->is_directed ? 'digraph' : 'graph';
- my $gname = $self->has_identifier ? '"' . $self->identifier . '"'
- : 'stemma';
- my @dotlines;
- push( @dotlines, "$gdecl $gname {" );
- ## Print out the global attributes
- push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( 'graph', %graphopts ) ) if keys %graphopts;
- push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( 'edge', %edgeopts ) ) if keys %edgeopts;
- push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( 'node', %nodeopts ) ) if keys %nodeopts;
- # Add each of the nodes.
- foreach my $n ( $graph->vertices ) {
- my %vattr = ( 'id' => $n ); # Set the SVG element ID to the sigil itself
- if( $graph->has_vertex_attribute( $n, 'label' ) ) {
- $vattr{'label'} = $graph->get_vertex_attribute( $n, 'label' );
- }
- push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( $n, %vattr ) );
- }
- # Add each of our edges.
- foreach my $e ( $graph->edges ) {
- my( $from, $to ) = map { _dotquote( $_ ) } @$e;
- my $connector = $graph->is_directed ? '->' : '--';
- push( @dotlines, " $from $connector $to;" );
- }
- push( @dotlines, '}' );
- return join( "\n", @dotlines );
+ if( $self->has_identifier ) {
+ $opts->{'name'} = $self->identifier;
+ }
+ return display_graph( $graph, $opts );
=head2 alter_graph( $dotstring )
=head2 editable( $opts )
-=head2 editable_graph( $graph, $opts )
Returns a version of the graph rendered in our definition format. The
output separates statements with a newline; set $opts->{'linesep'} to the
empty string or to a space if the result is to be sent via JSON.
return editable_graph( $graph, $opts );
-sub editable_graph {
- my( $graph, $opts ) = @_;
- # Create the graph
- my $join = ( $opts && exists $opts->{'linesep'} ) ? $opts->{'linesep'} : "\n";
- my $gdecl = $graph->is_undirected ? 'graph' : 'digraph';
- my $gname = exists $opts->{'name'} ? '"' . $opts->{'name'} . '"'
- : 'stemma';
- my @dotlines;
- push( @dotlines, "$gdecl $gname {" );
- my @real; # A cheap sort
- foreach my $n ( sort $graph->vertices ) {
- my $c = $graph->get_vertex_attribute( $n, 'class' );
- $c = 'extant' unless $c;
- if( $c eq 'extant' ) {
- push( @real, $n );
- } else {
- push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( $n, 'class' => $c ) );
- }
- }
- # Now do the real ones
- foreach my $n ( @real ) {
- push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( $n, 'class' => 'extant' ) );
- }
- foreach my $e ( sort _by_vertex $graph->edges ) {
- my( $from, $to ) = map { _dotquote( $_ ) } @$e;
- my $conn = $graph->is_undirected ? '--' : '->';
- push( @dotlines, " $from $conn $to;" );
- }
- push( @dotlines, '}' );
- return join( $join, @dotlines );
-sub _make_dotline {
- my( $obj, %attr ) = @_;
- my @pairs;
- foreach my $k ( keys %attr ) {
- my $v = _dotquote( $attr{$k} );
- push( @pairs, "$k=$v" );
- }
- return sprintf( " %s [ %s ];", _dotquote( $obj ), join( ', ', @pairs ) );
-sub _dotquote {
- my( $str ) = @_;
- return $str if $str =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/;
- $str =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
- $str = '"' . $str . '"';
- return $str;
-sub _by_vertex {
- return $a->[0].$a->[1] cmp $b->[0].$b->[1];
=head2 situation_graph( $extant, $layered )
use Graph;
use IPC::Run qw/ run binary /;
use Text::Tradition::Error;
-use Text::Tradition::Stemma;
-@EXPORT_OK = qw/ character_input phylip_pars parse_newick newick_to_svg /;
+@EXPORT_OK = qw/ display_graph editable_graph
+ character_input phylip_pars parse_newick newick_to_svg /;
=head1 NAME
-Text::Tradition::StemmaUtil - standalone utilities for distance tree calculations
+Text::Tradition::StemmaUtil - standalone utilities for stemma graph display and
+distance tree calculations
-This package contains a set of utilities for running phylogenetic analysis on
-text collations.
+This package contains a set of utilities for displaying arbitrary stemmata and
+running phylogenetic analysis on text collations.
+=head2 display_graph( $graph, $opts )
+Returns a dot specification intended for display, according to the logical
+attributes of the witnesses.
+sub display_graph {
+ my( $graph, $opts ) = @_;
+ # Get default and specified options
+ my %graphopts = (
+ # 'ratio' => 1,
+ 'bgcolor' => 'transparent',
+ );
+ my %nodeopts = (
+ 'fontsize' => 11,
+ 'style' => 'filled',
+ 'fillcolor' => 'white',
+ 'color' => 'white',
+ 'shape' => 'ellipse', # Shape for the extant nodes
+ );
+ my %edgeopts = (
+ 'arrowhead' => 'none',
+ );
+ @graphopts{ keys %{$opts->{'graph'}} } = values %{$opts->{'graph'}}
+ if $opts->{'graph'};
+ @nodeopts{ keys %{$opts->{'node'}} } = values %{$opts->{'node'}}
+ if $opts->{'node'};
+ @edgeopts{ keys %{$opts->{'edge'}} } = values %{$opts->{'edge'}}
+ if $opts->{'edge'};
+ my $gdecl = $graph->is_directed ? 'digraph' : 'graph';
+ my $gname = $opts->{'name'} ? '"' . $opts->{'name'} . '"'
+ : 'stemma';
+ my @dotlines;
+ push( @dotlines, "$gdecl $gname {" );
+ ## Print out the global attributes
+ push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( 'graph', %graphopts ) ) if keys %graphopts;
+ push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( 'edge', %edgeopts ) ) if keys %edgeopts;
+ push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( 'node', %nodeopts ) ) if keys %nodeopts;
+ # Add each of the nodes.
+ foreach my $n ( $graph->vertices ) {
+ my %vattr = ( 'id' => $n ); # Set the SVG element ID to the sigil itself
+ if( $graph->has_vertex_attribute( $n, 'label' ) ) {
+ $vattr{'label'} = $graph->get_vertex_attribute( $n, 'label' );
+ }
+ push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( $n, %vattr ) );
+ }
+ # Add each of our edges.
+ foreach my $e ( $graph->edges ) {
+ my( $from, $to ) = map { _dotquote( $_ ) } @$e;
+ my $connector = $graph->is_directed ? '->' : '--';
+ push( @dotlines, " $from $connector $to;" );
+ }
+ push( @dotlines, '}' );
+ return join( "\n", @dotlines );
+=head2 editable_graph( $graph, $opts )
+Returns a dot specification of a stemma graph with logical witness features,
+intended for editing the stemma definition.
+sub editable_graph {
+ my( $graph, $opts ) = @_;
+ # Create the graph
+ my $join = ( $opts && exists $opts->{'linesep'} ) ? $opts->{'linesep'} : "\n";
+ my $fq = $opts->{'forcequote'};
+ my $gdecl = $graph->is_undirected ? 'graph' : 'digraph';
+ my $gname = exists $opts->{'name'} ? '"' . $opts->{'name'} . '"'
+ : 'stemma';
+ my @dotlines;
+ push( @dotlines, "$gdecl $gname {" );
+ my @real; # A cheap sort
+ foreach my $n ( sort $graph->vertices ) {
+ my $c = $graph->get_vertex_attribute( $n, 'class' );
+ $c = 'extant' unless $c;
+ if( $c eq 'extant' ) {
+ push( @real, $n );
+ } else {
+ push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( $n, 'class' => $c, 'forcequote' => $fq ) );
+ }
+ }
+ # Now do the real ones
+ foreach my $n ( @real ) {
+ push( @dotlines, _make_dotline( $n, 'class' => 'extant', 'forcequote' => $fq ) );
+ }
+ foreach my $e ( sort _by_vertex $graph->edges ) {
+ my( $from, $to ) = map { _dotquote( $_ ) } @$e;
+ my $conn = $graph->is_undirected ? '--' : '->';
+ push( @dotlines, " $from $conn $to;" );
+ }
+ push( @dotlines, '}' );
+ return join( $join, @dotlines );
+sub _make_dotline {
+ my( $obj, %attr ) = @_;
+ my @pairs;
+ my $fq = delete $attr{forcequote};
+ foreach my $k ( keys %attr ) {
+ my $v = _dotquote( $attr{$k}, $fq );
+ push( @pairs, "$k=$v" );
+ }
+ return sprintf( " %s [ %s ];", _dotquote( $obj ), join( ', ', @pairs ) );
+sub _dotquote {
+ my( $str, $force ) = @_;
+ return $str if $str =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/;
+ $str =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
+ $str = '"' . $str . '"';
+ return $str;
+sub _by_vertex {
+ return $a->[0].$a->[1] cmp $b->[0].$b->[1];
=head2 character_input( $tradition, $opts )
Returns a character matrix string suitable for Phylip programs, which
sub parse_newick {
my $newick = shift;
- my @stemmata;
- # Parse the result into a tree
+ # Parse the result into a set of trees and return them.
my $forest = Bio::Phylo::IO->parse(
-format => 'newick',
-string => $newick,
- # Turn the tree into a graph, starting with the root node
- foreach my $tree ( @{$forest->get_entities} ) {
- my $stemma = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new(
- graph => _graph_from_bio( $tree ) );
- push( @stemmata, $stemma );
- }
- return \@stemmata;
+ return map { _graph_from_bio( $_ ) } @{$forest->get_entities};
sub _graph_from_bio {
use Test::More;
use lib 'lib';
use Text::Tradition;
-use Text::Tradition::StemmaUtil qw/ character_input phylip_pars parse_newick /;
+use Text::Tradition::StemmaUtil qw/ character_input phylip_pars /;
use TryCatch;
my $datafile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml'; #TODO need other test data
my $newick = phylip_pars( $mstr );
ok( $newick, "pars ran successfully" );
- my $trees = parse_newick( $newick );
+ my $trees = Text::Tradition::Stemma->new_from_newick( $newick );
# Test that we get a tree
is( scalar @$trees, 1, "Got a single tree" );
# Test that the tree has all our witnesses