--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Devel::Peek;
+ eval "use Test::LeakTrace;";
+ plan skip_all => "Test::LeakTrace is required for this test" if $@;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
+use Class::MOP;
+ package Foo;
+ use metaclass;
+leaks_cmp_ok {
+ my $meta = Foo->meta;
+ $meta->add_method(foo => sub{ 42 });
+ $meta->remove_method('foo');
+} '<=', 0, 'add_method and remove_method';
+my $expected = ($] == 5.010_000) ? 1 : 0; # for a bug on 5.10.0
+leaks_cmp_ok {
+ my $meta = Foo->meta;
+ $meta->add_attribute(foo => (reader => 'foo'));
+ $meta->remove_attribute('foo');
+} '<=', $expected, 'add_attribute with reader and remove_attribute';
+leaks_cmp_ok {
+ my $meta = Foo->meta;
+ $meta->add_attribute(foo => (writer => 'foo'));
+ $meta->remove_attribute('foo');
+} '<=', $expected, 'add_attribute with writer and remove_attribute';
+leaks_cmp_ok {
+ my $meta = Foo->meta;
+ $meta->add_attribute(foo => (accessor => 'foo'));
+ $meta->remove_attribute('foo');
+} '<=', $expected, 'add_attribute with accessor and remove_attribute';
+leaks_cmp_ok {
+ my $meta = Foo->meta;
+ $meta->add_attribute(foo => (predicate => 'foo'));
+ $meta->remove_attribute('foo');
+} '<=', $expected, 'add_attribute with predicate and remove_attribute';
+leaks_cmp_ok {
+ my $meta = Foo->meta;
+ $meta->add_attribute(foo => (clearer => 'foo'));
+ $meta->remove_attribute('foo');
+} '<=', $expected, 'add_attribute with clearer and remove_attribute';