+sub _group_over_selection {
+ shift->result_source->schema->storage
+ ->_group_over_selection(@_)
sub _extract_by_from_order_by {
- my ($self, $order_dq) = @_;
- my @by;
- while ($order_dq && $order_dq->{type} eq DQ_ORDER) {
- push @by, $order_dq->{by};
- $order_dq = $order_dq->{from};
- }
- return @by;
+ shift->result_source->schema->storage
+ ->_extract_by_from_order_by(@_)
sub _scan_identifiers {
- my ($self, $cb, @queue) = @_;
- while (my $node = shift @queue) {
- if ($node->{type} and $node->{type} eq DQ_IDENTIFIER) {
- $cb->($node);
- } else {
- push @queue,
- grep ref($_) eq 'HASH',
- map +(ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_),
- @{$node}{grep !/\./, keys %$node};
- }
- }
+ shift->result_source->schema->storage
+ ->_scan_identifiers(@_)
sub _resolve_aliastypes_from_select_args {
- my ($self, $from, $select, $where, $attrs) = @_; # ICK
- $self->throw_exception ('Unable to analyze custom {from}')
- if ref $from ne 'ARRAY';
- # what we will return
- my $aliases_by_type;
- my $multiplying = $aliases_by_type->{multiplying} = {};
- my $restricting = $aliases_by_type->{restricting} = {};
- my $selecting = $aliases_by_type->{selecting} = {};
- # see what aliases are there to work with
- my $alias_list;
- my %col_map;
- my $schema = $self->result_source->schema;
- my $conv = $self->_sqla_converter;
- my $from_dq = $conv->_table_to_dq($from);
- my (%join_dq, @alias_dq);
- while ($from_dq->{type} eq DQ_JOIN) {
- die "Don't understand this from"
- unless $from_dq->{right}{type} eq DQ_ALIAS;
- push @alias_dq, $from_dq->{right};
- $join_dq{$from_dq->{right}} = $from_dq;
- my @columns = $schema->source($from_dq->{right}{'dbix-class.source_name'})
- ->columns;
- @col_map{@columns} = ($from_dq->{right}{to}) x @columns;
- $from_dq = $from_dq->{left};
- }
- die "Don't understand this from"
- unless $from_dq->{type} eq DQ_ALIAS;
- push @alias_dq, $from_dq;
- foreach my $alias (reverse @alias_dq) {
- $alias_list->{$alias->{to}} = $alias;
- my $join_path = $alias->{'dbix-class.join_path'}||[];
- unless ($alias->{is_single} and !grep { $multiplying->{$_} } @$join_path) {
- $multiplying->{$alias->{to}} = $join_path;
- }
- unless ($join_dq{$alias}{outer}) {
- $restricting->{$alias->{to}} ||= $join_path;
- }
- }
- my %to_scan = (
- restricting => [
- $conv->_where_to_dq($where),
- ($attrs->{group_by} ? $conv->_group_by_to_dq($attrs->{group_by}) : ()),
- ($attrs->{having} ? $conv->_where_to_dq($attrs->{having}) : ()),
- ],
- selecting => [
- @{$conv->_select_field_list_to_dq($select)},
- ($attrs->{order_by}
- ? $self->_extract_by_from_order_by(
- $conv->_order_by_to_dq($attrs->{order_by})
- )
- : ())
- ]
- );
- foreach my $type (keys %to_scan) {
- my $this_type = $aliases_by_type->{$type};
- $self->_scan_identifiers(
- sub {
- my ($node) = @_;
- my ($col, $alias) = reverse @{$node->{elements}};
- $alias ||= $col_map{$col};
- $this_type->{$alias} ||= $alias_list->{$alias}{'dbix-class.join_path'}
- if $alias;
- },
- @{$to_scan{$type}}
- );
- }
- return $aliases_by_type;
+ shift->result_source->schema->storage
+ ->_resolve_aliastypes_from_select_args(@_)
=head2 search
# make a new $rs selecting only the PKs (that's all we really need for the subq)
delete @{$attrs}{qw/collapse select _prefetch_selector_range as/};
$attrs->{columns} = [ map { "$attrs->{alias}.$_" } @$idcols ];
- #$attrs->{group_by} = \ ''; # FIXME - this is an evil hack, it causes the optimiser to kick in and throw away the LEFT joins
+ $attrs->{group_by} = []; # FIXME - this is an evil hack, it causes the optimiser to kick in and throw away the LEFT joins
my $subrs = (ref $self)->new($rsrc, $attrs);
if (@$idcols == 1) {
else {
# distinct affects only the main selection part, not what prefetch may
# add below.
- $attrs->{group_by} = $self->_distinct_group_by($attrs);
+ $attrs->{group_by} = $self->_group_over_selection(
+ @{$attrs}{qw(from select order_by)}
+ );
use List::Util 'first';
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Sub::Name 'subname';
+use Data::Query::Constants qw(
use namespace::clean;
my $self = shift;
my ($from, $select, $where, $attrs) = @_;
- # XXX disabled temporarily while I hunt bigger game -- mst
- return $from; # unless $self->_use_join_optimizer;
+ return $from unless $self->_use_join_optimizer;
if (ref $from ne 'ARRAY' || ref $from->[0] ne 'HASH' || ref $from->[1] ne 'ARRAY') {
return $from; # only standard {from} specs are supported
# add all their parents (as per joinpath which is an AoH { table => alias })
$need_joins{$_} = 1 for map { values %$_ } map { @$_ } values %$_;
for my $j (@{$from}[1..$#$from]) {
push @newfrom, $j if (
(! $j->[0]{-alias}) # legacy crap
# Although the method is pretty horrific, the worst thing that can
# happen is for it to fail due to some scalar SQL, which in turn will
# result in a vocal exception.
sub _resolve_aliastypes_from_select_args {
- my ( $self, $from, $select, $where, $attrs ) = @_;
+ my ($self, $from, $select, $where, $attrs) = @_; # ICK
$self->throw_exception ('Unable to analyze custom {from}')
if ref $from ne 'ARRAY';
# what we will return
my $aliases_by_type;
+ my $multiplying = $aliases_by_type->{multiplying} = {};
+ my $restricting = $aliases_by_type->{restricting} = {};
+ my $selecting = $aliases_by_type->{selecting} = {};
# see what aliases are there to work with
my $alias_list;
- for (@$from) {
- my $j = $_;
- $j = $j->[0] if ref $j eq 'ARRAY';
- my $al = $j->{-alias}
- or next;
- $alias_list->{$al} = $j;
- $aliases_by_type->{multiplying}{$al} ||= $j->{-join_path}||[] if (
- # not array == {from} head == can't be multiplying
- ( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' and ! $j->{-is_single} )
- or
- # a parent of ours is already a multiplier
- ( grep { $aliases_by_type->{multiplying}{$_} } @{ $j->{-join_path}||[] } )
- );
- }
+ my %col_map;
- # get a column to source/alias map (including unqualified ones)
- my $colinfo = $self->_resolve_column_info ($from);
- # set up a botched SQLA
- my $sql_maker = $self->sql_maker;
- # these are throw away results, do not pollute the bind stack
- local $sql_maker->{select_bind};
- local $sql_maker->{where_bind};
- local $sql_maker->{group_bind};
- local $sql_maker->{having_bind};
- # we can't scan properly without any quoting (\b doesn't cut it
- # everywhere), so unless there is proper quoting set - use our
- # own weird impossible character.
- # Also in the case of no quoting, we need to explicitly disable
- # name_sep, otherwise sorry nasty legacy syntax like
- # { 'count(foo.id)' => { '>' => 3 } } will stop working >:(
- local $sql_maker->{quote_char} = $sql_maker->{quote_char};
- local $sql_maker->{name_sep} = $sql_maker->{name_sep};
- unless (defined $sql_maker->{quote_char} and length $sql_maker->{quote_char}) {
- $sql_maker->{quote_char} = ["\x00", "\xFF"];
- # if we don't unset it we screw up retarded but unfortunately working
- # 'MAX(foo.bar)' => { '>', 3 }
- $sql_maker->{name_sep} = '';
- }
+ my $schema = $self->schema;
- my ($lquote, $rquote, $sep) = map { quotemeta $_ } ($sql_maker->_quote_chars, $sql_maker->name_sep);
+ my $conv = $self->sql_maker->converter;
- # generate sql chunks
- my $to_scan = {
- restricting => [
- $sql_maker->_recurse_where ($where),
- $sql_maker->_parse_rs_attrs ({
- map { $_ => $attrs->{$_} } (qw/group_by having/)
- }),
- ],
- selecting => [
- $sql_maker->_recurse_fields ($select),
- ( map { $_->[0] } $self->_extract_order_criteria ($attrs->{order_by}, $sql_maker) ),
- ],
- };
+ my $from_dq = $conv->_table_to_dq($from);
- # throw away empty chunks
- $_ = [ map { $_ || () } @$_ ] for values %$to_scan;
- # first loop through all fully qualified columns and get the corresponding
- # alias (should work even if they are in scalarrefs)
- for my $alias (keys %$alias_list) {
- my $al_re = qr/
- $lquote $alias $rquote $sep
- |
- \b $alias \.
- /x;
- for my $type (keys %$to_scan) {
- for my $piece (@{$to_scan->{$type}}) {
- $aliases_by_type->{$type}{$alias} ||= $alias_list->{$alias}{-join_path}||[]
- if ($piece =~ $al_re);
- }
+ my (%join_dq, @alias_dq);
+ while ($from_dq->{type} eq DQ_JOIN) {
+ die "Don't understand this from"
+ unless $from_dq->{right}{type} eq DQ_ALIAS;
+ push @alias_dq, $from_dq->{right};
+ $join_dq{$from_dq->{right}} = $from_dq;
+ my @columns = $schema->source($from_dq->{right}{'dbix-class.source_name'})
+ ->columns;
+ @col_map{@columns} = ($from_dq->{right}{to}) x @columns;
+ $from_dq = $from_dq->{left};
+ }
+ die "Don't understand this from"
+ unless $from_dq->{type} eq DQ_ALIAS;
+ push @alias_dq, $from_dq;
+ foreach my $alias (reverse @alias_dq) {
+ $alias_list->{$alias->{to}} = $alias;
+ my $join_path = $alias->{'dbix-class.join_path'}||[];
+ unless ($alias->{is_single} and !grep { $multiplying->{$_} } @$join_path) {
+ $multiplying->{$alias->{to}} = $join_path;
+ }
+ unless ($join_dq{$alias}{outer}) {
+ $restricting->{$alias->{to}} ||= $join_path;
- # now loop through unqualified column names, and try to locate them within
- # the chunks
- for my $col (keys %$colinfo) {
- next if $col =~ / \. /x; # if column is qualified it was caught by the above
- my $col_re = qr/ $lquote $col $rquote /x;
- for my $type (keys %$to_scan) {
- for my $piece (@{$to_scan->{$type}}) {
- if ($piece =~ $col_re) {
- my $alias = $colinfo->{$col}{-source_alias};
- $aliases_by_type->{$type}{$alias} ||= $alias_list->{$alias}{-join_path}||[];
+ my %to_scan = (
+ restricting => [
+ $conv->_where_to_dq($where),
+ ($attrs->{group_by} ? $conv->_group_by_to_dq($attrs->{group_by}) : ()),
+ ($attrs->{having} ? $conv->_where_to_dq($attrs->{having}) : ()),
+ ],
+ selecting => [
+ @{$conv->_select_field_list_to_dq($select)},
+ ($attrs->{order_by}
+ ? $self->_extract_by_from_order_by(
+ $conv->_order_by_to_dq($attrs->{order_by})
+ )
+ : ())
+ ]
+ );
+ foreach my $type (keys %to_scan) {
+ my $this_type = $aliases_by_type->{$type};
+ $self->_scan_identifiers(
+ sub {
+ my ($node) = @_;
+ my ($col, $alias) = reverse @{$node->{elements}};
+ $alias ||= $col_map{$col};
+ if ($alias) {
+ $this_type->{$alias} ||=
+ $alias_list->{$alias}{'dbix-class.join_path'} || []
- }
- }
+ },
+ @{$to_scan{$type}}
+ );
+ return $aliases_by_type;
- # Add any non-left joins to the restriction list (such joins are indeed restrictions)
- for my $j (values %$alias_list) {
- my $alias = $j->{-alias} or next;
- $aliases_by_type->{restricting}{$alias} ||= $j->{-join_path}||[] if (
- (not $j->{-join_type})
- or
- ($j->{-join_type} !~ /^left (?: \s+ outer)? $/xi)
- );
+sub _extract_by_from_order_by {
+ my ($self, $order_dq) = @_;
+ my @by;
+ while ($order_dq && $order_dq->{type} eq DQ_ORDER) {
+ push @by, $order_dq->{by};
+ $order_dq = $order_dq->{from};
+ return @by;
- return $aliases_by_type;
+sub _scan_identifiers {
+ my ($self, $cb, @queue) = @_;
+ while (my $node = shift @queue) {
+ if ($node->{type} and $node->{type} eq DQ_IDENTIFIER) {
+ $cb->($node);
+ } else {
+ push @queue,
+ grep ref($_) eq 'HASH',
+ map +(ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_),
+ @{$node}{grep !/\./, keys %$node};
+ }
+ }
# This is the engine behind { distinct => 1 }
sub _group_over_selection {
my ($self, $from, $select, $order_by) = @_;
- my $rs_column_list = $self->_resolve_column_info ($from);
- my (@group_by, %group_index);
- # the logic is: if it is a { func => val } we assume an aggregate,
- # otherwise if \'...' or \[...] we assume the user knows what is
- # going on thus group over it
- for (@$select) {
- if (! ref($_) or ref ($_) ne 'HASH' ) {
- push @group_by, $_;
- $group_index{$_}++;
- if ($rs_column_list->{$_} and $_ !~ /\./ ) {
- # add a fully qualified version as well
- $group_index{"$rs_column_list->{$_}{-source_alias}.$_"}++;
+ my $conv = $self->sql_maker->converter;
+ my $from_dq = $conv->_table_to_dq($from);
+ my $schema = $self->schema;
+ my %col_map;
+ {
+ my @recurse = $from_dq;
+ while (my $next = shift @recurse) {
+ if ($next->{type} eq DQ_JOIN) {
+ push @recurse, @{$next}{qw(left right)};
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($next->{type} eq DQ_ALIAS) {
+ if (my $source_name = $next->{alias}{'dbix-class.source_name'}) {
+ my @cols = $schema->source($source_name)->columns;
+ @col_map{@cols} = ($next->{as}) x @cols;
+ }
- # add any order_by parts that are not already present in the group_by
- # we need to be careful not to add any named functions/aggregates
- # i.e. order_by => [ ... { count => 'foo' } ... ]
- my @leftovers;
- for ($self->_extract_order_criteria($order_by)) {
- # only consider real columns (for functions the user got to do an explicit group_by)
- if (@$_ != 1) {
- push @leftovers, $_;
- next;
+ my $select_list = $conv->_select_field_list_to_dq($select);
+ my (@group_by, %group_seen);
+ foreach my $entry (@$select_list) {
+ $entry = $entry->{alias} if $entry->{type} eq DQ_ALIAS;
+ if ($entry->{type} eq DQ_IDENTIFIER) {
+ push @group_by, \$entry;
+ $group_seen{join('.',@{$entry->{elements}})} = 1;
+ if (my @el = @{$entry->{elements}} == 1) {
+ if (my $alias = $col_map{$el[0]}) {
+ $group_seen{join('.',$col_map{$el[0]},$el[0])} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($entry->{type} eq DQ_LITERAL) {
+ # assuming you knew what you were doing, please brace for impact
+ push @group_by, \$entry;
- my $chunk = $_->[0];
- my $colinfo = $rs_column_list->{$chunk} or do {
- push @leftovers, $_;
- next;
- };
- $chunk = "$colinfo->{-source_alias}.$chunk" if $chunk !~ /\./;
- push @group_by, $chunk unless $group_index{$chunk}++;
- return wantarray
- ? (\@group_by, (@leftovers ? \@leftovers : undef) )
- : \@group_by
- ;
+ if ($order_by) {
+ my $order_dq = $conv->_order_by_to_dq($order_by);
+ while ($order_dq) {
+ if ($order_dq->{by}{type} eq DQ_IDENTIFIER) {
+ my @el = @{$order_dq->{by}{elements}};
+ unshift @el, $col_map{$el[0]} if @el == 1 and $col_map{$el[0]};
+ push @group_by, \$order_dq->{by}
+ unless $group_seen{join('.',@el)};
+ }
+ $order_dq = $order_dq->{from};
+ }
+ }
+ \@group_by;
sub _resolve_ident_sources {