push( @result, decode_utf8( $csv->string ) );
# Make the rest of the rows
foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $table->{'length'} - 1 ) {
- my @rowobjs = map { $_->[$idx] } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
+ my @rowobjs = map { $_->{'tokens'}->[$idx] } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
my @row = map { $_ ? $_->{'t'} : $_ } @rowobjs;
$csv->combine( @row );
push( @result, decode_utf8( $csv->string ) );
my $table = $graph->make_alignment_table( $use_refs, \@wits_to_include )
-Return a reference to an alignment table, in the format described at
-L<http://gregor.middell.net/collatex>. If $use_refs is set to 1, the reading
-object is returned in the table; if not, the text of the reading is returned.
-If $wits_to_include is set to an arrayref, only the witnesses listed will be
-included in the table.
+Return a reference to an alignment table, in a slightly enhanced CollateX
+format which looks like this:
+ $table = { alignment => [ { witness => "SIGIL",
+ tokens => [ { t => "READINGTEXT" }, ... ] },
+ { witness => "SIG2",
+ tokens => [ { t => "READINGTEXT" }, ... ] },
+ ... ],
+ length => TEXTLEN };
+If $use_refs is set to 1, the reading object is returned in the table
+instead of READINGTEXT; if not, the text of the reading is returned.
+If $wits_to_include is set to a hashref, only the witnesses whose sigil
+keys have a true hash value will be included.
my @all_pos = ( 1 .. $self->end->rank - 1 );
foreach my $wit ( $self->tradition->witnesses ) {
if( $include ) {
- next unless grep { $_ eq $wit->sigil } @$include;
+ next unless $include->{$wit->sigil};
- $DB::single = 1 if $wit->sigil eq 'U';
# print STDERR "Making witness row(s) for " . $wit->sigil . "\n";
my @wit_path = $self->reading_sequence( $self->start, $self->end, $wit->sigil );
my @row = _make_witness_row( \@wit_path, \@all_pos, $noderefs );
# If we are using node reference, make the lacuna node appear many times
# in the table. If not, use the lacuna tag.
if( $last_el && _el_is_lacuna( $last_el ) && !defined $el ) {
- $el = $noderefs ? { 't' => $last_el } : { 't' => '#LACUNA#' };
+ $el = $noderefs ? $last_el : { 't' => '#LACUNA#' };
push( @filled_row, $el );
$last_el = $el;