--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Text::Wrap;
+$Text::Wrap::columns = 80;
+my ($committer, $patch, $log);
+use Getopt::Long;
+my ($rank, @authors, %authors, %untraced, %patchers);
+my $result = GetOptions ("rank" => \$rank, # rank authors
+ "acknowledged=s" => \@authors); # authors files
+if (!$result or !($rank xor @authors) or !@ARGV) {
+ die <<"EOS";
+$0 --rank Changelogs # rank authors by patches
+$0 --acknowledged <authors file> Changelogs # Display unacknowledged authors
+Specify stdin as - if needs be. Remember that option names can be abbreviated.
+my %map = reverse (
+ # "Correct" => "Alias"
+ adi => "enache\100rdslink.ro",
+ alanbur => "alan.burlison\100sun.com",
+ ams => "ams\100wiw.org",
+ chip => "chip\100pobox.com",
+ davem => "davem\100fdgroup.com",
+ doughera => " doughera\100lafayette.edu",
+ gbarr => "gbarr\100pobox.com",
+ gsar => "gsar\100activestate.com",
+ hv => "hv\100crypt.compulink.co.uk",
+ jhi => "jhi\100iki.fi",
+ merijn => "h.m.brand\100hccnet.nl",
+ mhx => "mhx-perl\100gmx.net",
+ nicholas => "nick\100unfortu.net",
+ nick => "nick\100ing-simmons.net",
+ pudge => "pudge\100pobox.com",
+ rgs => "rgarciasuarez\100free.fr",
+ sky => "sky\100nanisky.com",
+ "abigail\100abigail.nl"=> "abigail\100foad.org",
+ "chromatic\100wgz.org" => "chromatic\100rmci.net",
+ "slaven\100rezic.de" => "slaven.rezic\100berlin.de",
+ "mjtg\100cam.ac.uk" => "mjtg\100cus.cam.ac.uk",
+ "robin.barker\100npl.co.uk" => "rmb1\100cise.npl.co.uk",
+ "paul.marquess\100btinternet.com"
+ => "paul_marquess\100yahoo.co.uk",
+ "wolfgang.laun\100chello.at" =>
+ "wolfgang.laun\100alcatel.at",
+ "t.jenness\100jach.hawaii.edu" => "timj\100jach.hawaii.edu",
+ "abe\100ztreet.demon.nl" => "abeltje\100cpan.org",
+ "perl_dummy\100bloodgate.com" => "tels\100bloodgate.com",
+ "jfriedl\100yahoo.com" => "jfriedl\100yahoo-inc.com",
+ "japhy\100pobox.com" => "japhy\100pobox.org",
+ "gellyfish\100gellyfish.com" => "jns\100gellyfish.com",
+ );
+# Make sure these are all lower case.
+$map{"alan.burlison\100uk.sun.com"} = "alanbur";
+$map{"artur\100contiller.se"} = $map{"arthur\100contiller.se"} = "sky";
+$map{"autrijus\100egb.elixus.org"} = $map{"autrijus\100geb.elixus.org"}
+ = "autrijus\100autrijus.org";
+$map{"craig.berry\100psinetcs.com"} = $map{"craig.berry\100metamorgs.com"}
+ = $map{"craig.berry\100signaltreesolutions.com"} = "craigberry\100mac.com";
+$map{"davem\100fdgroup.co.uk"} = "davem";
+$map{"ilya\100math.ohio-state.edu"} = $map{"ilya\100math.berkeley.edu"}
+ = $map{"ilya\100math.berkeley.edu"} = "nospam-abuse\100ilyaz.org";
+$map{"jhi\100kosh.hut.fi"} = $map{"jhi\100cc.hut.fi"} = "jhi";
+$map{"nick\100ccl4.org"} = $map{"nick\100talking.bollo.cx"}
+ = $map{"nick\100plum.flirble.org"} = $map{"nick\100babyhippo.co.uk"}
+ = $map{"nick\100bagpuss.unfortu.net"} = "nicholas";
+$map{"philip.newton\100gmx.net"} = $map{"philip.newton\100datenrevision.de"}
+ = "pnewton\100gmx.de",
+$map{"raphel.garcia-suarez\100hexaflux.com"} = "rgs";
+$map{"simon\100pembro4.pmb.ox.ac.uk"} = $map{"simon\100brecon.co.uk"}
+ = $map{"simon\100othersideofthe.earth.li"} = $map{"simon\100cozens.net"}
+ = $map{"simon\100netthink.co.uk"} = "simon\100simon-cozens.org";
+$map{"spider\100web.zk3.dec.com"} = $map{"spider\100leggy.zk3.dec.com"}
+ = $map{"spider-perl\100orb.nashua.nh.us"}
+ = $map{"spider\100peano.zk3.dec.com"}
+ = "spider\100orb.nashua.nh.us";
+$map{"nik\100tiuk.ti.com"} = "nick";
+$map{"a.koenig\100mind.de"} = "andreas.koenig\100anima.de";
+$map{"japhy\100perlmonk.org"} = $map{"japhy\100cpan.org"}
+ = "japhy\100pobox.com";
+$map{"rmbarker\100cpan.org"} = "robin.barker\100npl.co.uk";
+if (@authors) {
+ my %raw;
+ foreach my $filename (@authors) {
+ open FH, "<$filename" or die "Can't open $filename: $!";
+ while (<FH>) {
+ next if /^\#/;
+ next if /^-- /;
+ if (/<([^>]+)>/) {
+ # Easy line.
+ $raw{$1}++;
+ } elsif (/^([-A-Za-z0-9 .\'À-ÖØöø-ÿ]+)[\t\n]/) {
+ # Name only
+ $untraced{$1}++;
+ } else {
+ chomp;
+ warn "Can't parse line '$_'";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (keys %raw) {
+ print "E-mail $_ occurs $raw{$_} times\n" if $raw{$_} > 1;
+ $_ = lc $_;
+ $authors{$map{$_} || $_}++;
+ }
+while (<>) {
+ next if /^-+/;
+ if (m!^\[\s+(\d+)\]\s+By:\s+(\S+)\s+on!) {
+ # new patch
+ my @new = ($1, $2);
+ &process ($committer, $patch, $log);
+ ($patch, $committer) = @new;
+ undef $log;
+ } elsif (s/^(\s+Log: )//) {
+ die "Duplicate Log:" if $log;
+ $log = $_;
+ my $prefix = " " x length $1;
+ LOG: while (<>) {
+ if (s/^$prefix//) {
+ $log .= $_;
+ } elsif (/^\s+Branch:/) {
+ last LOG;
+ } else {
+ die "Malformed log end with $_";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+&process ($committer, $patch, $log);
+if ($rank) {
+ &display_ordered;
+} elsif (%authors) {
+ my %missing;
+ foreach (sort keys %patchers) {
+ next if $authors{$_};
+ # Sort by number of patches, then name.
+ $missing{$patchers{$_}}->{$_}++;
+ }
+ foreach my $patches (sort {$b <=> $a} keys %missing) {
+ print "$patches patch(es)\n";
+ foreach my $author (sort keys %{$missing{$patches}}) {
+ print " $author\n";
+ }
+ }
+sub display_ordered {
+ my @sorted;
+ while (my ($name, $count) = each %patchers) {
+ push @{$sorted[$count]}, $name;
+ }
+ my $i = @sorted;
+ while (--$i) {
+ next unless $sorted[$i];
+ print wrap ("$i:\t", "\t", join (" ", sort @{$sorted[$i]}), "\n");
+ }
+sub process {
+ my ($committer, $patch, $log) = @_;
+ return unless $committer;
+ my @authors = $log =~ /From:.+\s+([^\@ \t\n]+\@[^\@ \t\n]+)/gm;
+ if (@authors) {
+ foreach (@authors) {
+ s/^<//;
+ s/>$//;
+ $_ = lc $_;
+ $patchers{$map{$_} || $_}++;
+ }
+ # print "$patch: @authors\n";
+ } else {
+ # print "$patch: $committer\n";
+ # Not entirely fair as this means that the maint pumpking scores for
+ # everything intergrated that wasn't a third party patch in blead
+ $patchers{$committer}++;
+ }