else {
# internally, PL_main_start is nulled immediately before entering global destruction
- # and we can use B to detect that
+ # and we can use B to detect that. It will also be null before the main runloop starts,
+ # so we check install a CHECK if needed to detect that.
require B;
- eval 'sub in_global_destruction () { B::main_start()->isa(q[B::NULL]) }; 1'
+ my $started = !B::main_start()->isa(q[B::NULL]);
+ unless ($started) {
+ eval 'CHECK { $started = 1 }; 1'
+ or die $@;
+ }
+ eval 'sub in_global_destruction () { $started && B::main_start()->isa(q[B::NULL]) }; 1'
or die $@;
require B;
- print "1..2\n";
+ print "1..3\n";
ok( $^C, "Test properly running under minus-c" );
use Devel::GlobalDestruction;
+ ok !in_global_destruction(), "BEGIN is not GD with -c";
our $foo;
$foo = Test::Scope::Guard->new( sub {
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ for my $f (qw(DynaLoader::bootstrap XSLoader::load)) {
+ my ($mod) = $f =~ /^ (.+) \:\: [^:]+ $/x;
+ eval "require $mod" or die $@;
+ my $orig = \&$f;
+ *$f = sub {
+ die 'no XS' if ($_[0]||'') eq 'Devel::GlobalDestruction';
+ goto $orig;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ package Test::Scope::Guard;
+ sub new { my ($class, $code) = @_; bless [$code], $class; }
+ sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->[0]->() }
+sub ok ($$) {
+ print "not " if !$_[0];
+ print "ok";
+ print " - $_[1]" if defined $_[1];
+ print "\n";
+ !!$_[0]
+use Devel::GlobalDestruction;
+ print "1..2\n";
+ ok !in_global_destruction(), "BEGIN is not GD";
+ my $foo = Test::Scope::Guard->new( sub {
+ ok( !in_global_destruction(), "DESTROY in BEGIN still not GD" ) or do {
+ require POSIX;
+ POSIX::_exit(1);
+ };
+ });