+=head1 NAME
+Encode::JP - Japanese Encodings
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Encode::JP;
+ $euc_jp = encode("euc-jp", $utf8);
+ $utf8 = encode("euc-jp", $euc_jp);
+=head1 ABSTRACT
+This module implements Japanese charset encodings. Encodings
+supported are as follows.
+ euc-jp EUC (Extended Unix Character)
+ shiftjis Shift JIS (aka MS Kanji)
+ 7bit-jis 7bit JIS
+ iso-2022-jp ISO-2022-JP (7bit JIS with all X201 converted to X208)
+ macjapan Mac Japan (Shift JIS + Apple vendor mappings)
+ cp932 Code Page 932 (Shift JIS + Microsoft vendor mappings)
+To find how to use this module in detail, see L<Encode>.
+=head1 BUGS
+JIS X0212-1990 is not supported.
+ASCII part (0x00-0x7f) is preserved for all encodings, even though it
+conflicts with mappings by the Unicode Consortium. See
+to find why it is implemented that way.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
my %tables = (EUC_JP => ['euc-jp.enc'],
+ SHIFTJIS => ['shiftjis.enc'],
MACJAPAN => ['macJapan.enc'],
CP932 => ['cp932.enc'],