die if $@ && $@ !~ /^Can't locate .*? at \(eval /;
unless (%{"$base\::"}) {
require Carp;
+ local $" = " ";
Base class package "$base" is empty.
- (Perhaps you need to 'use' the module which defines that package first.)
+ (Perhaps you need to 'use' the module which defines that package first,
+ or make that module available in \@INC (\@INC contains: @INC).
$sigdie = $SIG{__DIE__};
eval q{use base 'reallyReAlLyNotexists'};
-like( $@, qr/^Base class package "reallyReAlLyNotexists" is empty./,
+like( $@, qr/^Base class package "reallyReAlLyNotexists" is empty\./,
'base with empty package');
eval q{use base 'reallyReAlLyNotexists'};
-like( $@, qr/^Base class package "reallyReAlLyNotexists" is empty./,
+like( $@, qr/^Base class package "reallyReAlLyNotexists" is empty\./,
' still empty on 2nd load');
my $warning;