is( scalar $t4->collation->readings, $READINGS - 2, "Reparsed TSV merge collation has fewer readings" );
is( scalar $t4->collation->paths, $PATHS - 4, "Reparsed TSV merge collation has fewer paths" );
+# Test non-ASCII sigla
+my $t5 = Text::Tradition->new( input => 'Tabular',
+ name => 'nonascii',
+ file => 't/data/armexample.xlsx',
+ excel => 'xlsx' );
+my $awittsv = $t5->collation->as_tsv({ noac => 1, ascii => 1 });
+my @awitlines = split( /\n/, $awittsv );
+like( $awitlines[0], qr/_A_5315622/, "Found ASCII sigil variant in TSV" );
=end testing
my $csv = Text::CSV->new( $csv_options );
my @result;
# Make the header row
- $csv->combine( map { $_->{'witness'} } @{$table->{'alignment'}} );
+ my @witnesses = map { $_->{'witness'} } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
+ if( $opts->{ascii} ) {
+ # TODO think of a fix for this
+ throw( "Cannot currently produce ASCII sigla with witness layers" )
+ unless $opts->{noac};
+ my @awits = map { $self->tradition->witness( $_ )->ascii_sigil } @witnesses;
+ @witnesses = @awits;
+ }
+ $csv->combine( @witnesses );
push( @result, $csv->string );
# Make the rest of the rows
foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $table->{'length'} - 1 ) {
my @rowobjs = map { $_->{'tokens'}->[$idx] } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
sep_char => "\t" );
is( scalar $t4->collation->readings, $READINGS - 2, "Reparsed TSV merge collation has fewer readings" );
is( scalar $t4->collation->paths, $PATHS - 4, "Reparsed TSV merge collation has fewer paths" );
+# Test non-ASCII sigla
+my $t5 = Text::Tradition->new( input => 'Tabular',
+ name => 'nonascii',
+ file => 't/data/armexample.xlsx',
+ excel => 'xlsx' );
+my $awittsv = $t5->collation->as_tsv({ noac => 1, ascii => 1 });
+my @awitlines = split( /\n/, $awittsv );
+like( $awitlines[0], qr/_A_5315622/, "Found ASCII sigil variant in TSV" );