our $VERSION = '0.08';
use Sub::Exporter::Progressive -setup => {
- exports => [ qw(in_global_destruction) ],
- groups => { default => [ -all ] },
+ exports => [ qw(in_global_destruction) ],
+ groups => { default => [ -all ] },
# we run 5.14+ - everything is in core
if (defined ${^GLOBAL_PHASE}) {
- eval 'sub in_global_destruction () { ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq q[DESTRUCT] }';
+ eval 'sub in_global_destruction () { ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} eq q[DESTRUCT] }';
# try to load the xs version if it was compiled
elsif (eval {
- require XSLoader;
- XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION);
- 1;
+ require XSLoader;
+ XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION);
+ 1;
}) {
- # the eval already installed everything, nothing to do
+ # the eval already installed everything, nothing to do
# Not core nor XS
+# The whole thing is in an eval to prevent perl from parsing it in the
+# first place under perls where none of this is needed
else {
+ eval <<'PP_IGD' or die $@;
- # SpeedyCGI runs END blocks every cycle but somehow keeps object instances
- # hence DIAF
- die("The pure-perl version of @{[__PACKAGE__]} can not function correctly under CGI::SpeedyCGI. "
- . "Please ensure you have a working compiler, and reinstall @{[__PACKAGE__]} to enable the XS "
- . "codepath.\n"
- ) if $CGI::SpeedyCGI::i_am_speedy;
+# SpeedyCGI runs END blocks every cycle but somehow keeps object instances
+# hence DIAF
+die("The pure-perl version of @{[__PACKAGE__]} can not function correctly under CGI::SpeedyCGI. "
+ . "Please ensure you have a working compiler, and reinstall @{[__PACKAGE__]} to enable the XS "
+ . "codepath.\n"
+) if $CGI::SpeedyCGI::i_am_speedy;
- eval <<'PP_IGD' or die $@;
my ($in_global_destruction, $before_is_installed);
use warnings;
- require DynaLoader;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- my $orig = \&DynaLoader::bootstrap;
- *DynaLoader::bootstrap = sub {
- die 'no XS' if $_[0] eq 'Devel::GlobalDestruction';
- goto $orig;
- };
- }
+ require DynaLoader;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ my $orig = \&DynaLoader::bootstrap;
+ *DynaLoader::bootstrap = sub {
+ die 'no XS' if $_[0] eq 'Devel::GlobalDestruction';
+ goto $orig;
+ };
+ }
- package Test::Scope::Guard;
- sub new { my ($class, $code) = @_; bless [$code], $class; }
- sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->[0]->() }
+ package Test::Scope::Guard;
+ sub new { my ($class, $code) = @_; bless [$code], $class; }
+ sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->[0]->() }
print "1..6\n";
my $had_error = 0;
END { $? = $had_error };
sub ok ($$) {
- $had_error++, print "not " if !$_[0];
- print "ok";
- print " - $_[1]" if defined $_[1];
- print "\n";
+ $had_error++, print "not " if !$_[0];
+ print "ok";
+ print " - $_[1]" if defined $_[1];
+ print "\n";
ok( eval "use Devel::GlobalDestruction; 1", "use Devel::GlobalDestruction" );
use strict;
- require DynaLoader;
- no warnings 'redefine';
- my $orig = \&DynaLoader::bootstrap;
- *DynaLoader::bootstrap = sub {
- die 'no XS' if $_[0] eq 'Devel::GlobalDestruction';
- goto $orig;
- };
- }
+ require DynaLoader;
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ my $orig = \&DynaLoader::bootstrap;
+ *DynaLoader::bootstrap = sub {
+ die 'no XS' if $_[0] eq 'Devel::GlobalDestruction';
+ goto $orig;
+ };
+ }
my $t = threads->create(sub { do 't/01_basic.t' });