default => sub { {} }
sub apply {
- my ($self, $role, $object) = @_;
- my $anon_role_key = (blessed($object) . $role->name);
- my $class;
- if (exists $ANON_CLASSES{$anon_role_key} && defined $ANON_CLASSES{$anon_role_key}) {
- $class = $ANON_CLASSES{$anon_role_key};
- }
- else {
- my $obj_meta = Class::MOP::class_of($object) || 'Moose::Meta::Class';
- # This is a special case to handle the case where the object's
- # metaclass is a Class::MOP::Class, but _not_ a Moose::Meta::Class
- # (for example, when applying a role to a Moose::Meta::Attribute
- # object).
- $obj_meta = 'Moose::Meta::Class'
- unless $obj_meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Class');
- $class = $obj_meta->create_anon_class(
- superclasses => [ blessed($object) ]
- );
- $ANON_CLASSES{$anon_role_key} = $class;
- $self->SUPER::apply($role, $class);
- }
- $class->rebless_instance($object, %{$self->rebless_params});
+ my ( $self, $role, $object ) = @_;
+ my $obj_meta = Class::MOP::class_of($object) || 'Moose::Meta::Class';
+ # This is a special case to handle the case where the object's metaclass
+ # is a Class::MOP::Class, but _not_ a Moose::Meta::Class (for example,
+ # when applying a role to a Moose::Meta::Attribute object).
+ $obj_meta = 'Moose::Meta::Class'
+ unless $obj_meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Class');
+ my $class = $obj_meta->create_anon_class(
+ superclasses => [ blessed($object) ], cache => 1,
+ );
+ $self->SUPER::apply( $role, $class );
+ $class->rebless_instance( $object, %{ $self->rebless_params } );