$schema->storage->txn_do(sub {
$schema->storage->with_deferred_fk_checks(sub {
- foreach my $source (sort $schema->sources) {
+ use SQL::Translator;
+ # parse the schema with SQL::Translator
+ my $sqlt = SQL::Translator->new(
+ parser => 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class',
+ parser_args => {
+ dbic_schema => $schema,
+ },
+ );
+ $sqlt->translate;
+ # pull out the SQLT Schema, and create a hash with the correct order for tables
+ my $sqlt_schema = $sqlt->schema;
+ my %table_order = map +($_->name => $_->order - 1), $sqlt_schema->get_tables;
+ # create an array using the correct table order
+ my @sorted_source_names;
+ for my $source ( $schema->sources ) {
+ next unless $source; # somehow theres an undef one
+ my $table = $schema->source( $source )->name;
+ $sorted_source_names[ $table_order{ $table } ] = $source;
+ }
+ foreach my $source (@sorted_source_names) {
$self->msg("- adding " . $source);
my $rs = $schema->resultset($source);
my $source_dir = io->catdir($tmp_fixture_dir, $self->_name_for_source($rs->result_source));