# fit's into one Perl scalar, so result can be computed directly
# cannot use int() here, because it rounds wrongly on some systems
#$x->[0] = int($x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]);
- # round to 8 digits, then truncate result to integer
- $x->[0] = int ( sprintf ("%.8f", $x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]) );
+ # Due to chopping up the number into parts, the two first parts
+ # may have only one or two digits. So we use more from the second
+ # parts (it always has at least two parts) for more accuracy:
+ # Round to 8 digits, then truncate result to integer:
+ my $x0 = $x->[-1];
+ my $y0 = $yorg->[-1];
+ if (length ($x0) < $BASE_LEN) # len($x0) == len($y0)!
+ {
+ $x0 .= substr('0' x $BASE_LEN . $x->[-2], -$BASE_LEN, $BASE_LEN);
+ $x0 = substr($x0,0,$BASE_LEN);
+ $y0 .= substr('0' x $BASE_LEN . $yorg->[-2], -$BASE_LEN, $BASE_LEN);
+ $y0 = substr($y0,0,$BASE_LEN);
+ }
+ $x->[0] = int ( sprintf ("%.8f", $x0 / $y0 ) );
splice(@$x,1); # keep single element
return $x;
# fit's into one Perl scalar, so result can be computed directly
# cannot use int() here, because it rounds wrongly on some systems
#$x->[0] = int($x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]);
- # round to 8 digits, then truncate result to integer
- $x->[0] = int ( sprintf ("%.8f", $x->[-1] / $yorg->[-1]) );
+ # Due to chopping up the number into parts, the two first parts
+ # may have only one or two digits. So we use more from the second
+ # parts (it always has at least two parts) for more accuracy:
+ # Round to 8 digits, then truncate result to integer:
+ my $x0 = $x->[-1];
+ my $y0 = $yorg->[-1];
+ if (length ($x0) < $BASE_LEN) # len($x0) == len($y0)!
+ {
+ $x0 .= substr('0' x $BASE_LEN . $x->[-2], -$BASE_LEN, $BASE_LEN);
+ $x0 = substr($x0,0,$BASE_LEN);
+ $y0 .= substr('0' x $BASE_LEN . $yorg->[-2], -$BASE_LEN, $BASE_LEN);
+ $y0 = substr($y0,0,$BASE_LEN);
+ }
+ $x->[0] = int ( sprintf ("%.8f", $x0 / $y0 ) );
splice(@$x,1); # keep single element
return $x;
my $elem = int($n / $BASE_LEN); # which array element
my $digit = $n % $BASE_LEN; # which digit in this element
- $elem = '0000000'.@$x[$elem]; # get element padded with 0's
+ $elem = '0' x $BASE_LEN . @$x[$elem]; # get element padded with 0's