use File::Which;
use Graph;
use IPC::Run qw( run binary );
+use JSON qw/ to_json /;
use Text::CSV;
use Text::Tradition::Collation::Data;
use Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading;
$dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" %s;\n", $reading->id, _dot_attr_string( $rattrs ) );
- # Add the real edges. Need to weight one edge per rank jump, in a
- # continuous line.
- # my $weighted = $self->_add_edge_weights;
+ # Add the real edges.
my @edges = $self->paths;
my( %substart, %subend );
foreach my $edge ( @edges ) {
return( '[ ' . join( ', ', @attrs ) . ' ]' );
-sub _add_edge_weights {
- my $self = shift;
- # Walk the graph from START to END, choosing the successor node with
- # the largest number of witness paths each time.
- my $weighted = {};
- my $curr = $self->start->id;
- my $ranked = $self->end->has_rank;
- while( $curr ne $self->end->id ) {
- my $rank = $ranked ? $self->reading( $curr )->rank : 0;
- my @succ = sort { $self->path_witnesses( $curr, $a )
- <=> $self->path_witnesses( $curr, $b ) }
- $self->sequence->successors( $curr );
- my $next = pop @succ;
- my $nextrank = $ranked ? $self->reading( $next )->rank : 0;
- # Try to avoid lacunae in the weighted path.
- while( @succ &&
- ( $self->reading( $next )->is_lacuna ||
- $nextrank - $rank > 1 ) ){
- $next = pop @succ;
- }
- $weighted->{$curr} = $next;
- $curr = $next;
- }
- return $weighted;
=head2 path_witnesses( $edge )
Returns the list of sigils whose witnesses are associated with the given edge.
-=head2 readings_at_rank( $rank )
+=head2 as_adjacency_list
-Returns a list of readings at a given rank, taken from the alignment table.
+Returns a JSON structure that represents the collation sequence graph.
-sub readings_at_rank {
- my( $self, $rank ) = @_;
- my $table = $self->alignment_table;
- # Table rank is real rank - 1.
- my @elements = map { $_->{'tokens'}->[$rank-1] } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
- my %readings;
- foreach my $e ( @elements ) {
- next unless ref( $e ) eq 'HASH';
- next unless exists $e->{'t'};
- $readings{$e->{'t'}->id} = $e->{'t'};
+sub as_adjacency_list {
+ my( $self, $opts ) = @_;
+ # Make a structure that contains all the nodes, the nodes they point to,
+ # and the attributes of the edges that connect them.
+ # [ { id: 'n0', label: 'Gallia', adjacent: [
+ # { id: 'n1', label: 'P Q' } ,
+ # { id: 'n2', label: 'R S', minlen: 2 } ] },
+ # { id: 'n1', label: 'est', adjacent: [ ... ] },
+ # ... ]
+ my $startrank = $opts->{'from'} || 0;
+ my $endrank = $opts->{'to'} || $self->end->rank;
+ my $list = [];
+ foreach my $rdg ( $self->readings ) {
+ my @successors;
+ my $phony = '';
+ if( $rdg eq $self->start && $startrank > 0 ) {
+ # Connect the start node with all the nodes at startrank.
+ @successors = $self->readings_at_rank( $startrank );
+ $phony = 'start';
+ } elsif( $rdg->rank < $startrank
+ || $rdg->rank > $endrank && $rdg ne $self->end ) {
+ next;
+ } elsif( $rdg->rank eq $endrank && $rdg ne $self->end ) {
+ # Connect the reading directly to the end node.
+ @successors = ( $self->end );
+ $phony = 'end';
+ } else {
+ @successors = $rdg->successors;
+ }
+ my $listitem = { id => $rdg->id, label => $rdg->text };
+ my $adjacent = [];
+ foreach my $succ ( @successors ) {
+ my @edgewits;
+ if( $phony eq 'start' ) {
+ @edgewits = $succ->witnesses;
+ } elsif( $phony eq 'end' ) {
+ @edgewits = $rdg->witnesses;
+ } else {
+ @edgewits = $self->path_witnesses( $rdg->id, $succ->id );
+ }
+ my $edgelabel = $self->_path_display_label( $opts, @edgewits );
+ my $edgedef = { id => $succ->id, label => $edgelabel };
+ my $rankoffset = $succ->rank - $rdg->rank;
+ if( $rankoffset > 1 and $succ ne $self->end ) {
+ $edgedef->{minlen} = $rankoffset;
+ }
+ push( @$adjacent, $edgedef );
+ }
+ $listitem->{adjacent} = $adjacent;
+ push( @$list, $listitem );
- return values %readings;
+ return to_json( $list );
=head2 as_graphml
return @readings;
+=head2 readings_at_rank( $rank )
+Returns a list of readings at a given rank, taken from the alignment table.
+sub readings_at_rank {
+ my( $self, $rank ) = @_;
+ my $table = $self->alignment_table;
+ # Table rank is real rank - 1.
+ my @elements = map { $_->{'tokens'}->[$rank-1] } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
+ my %readings;
+ foreach my $e ( @elements ) {
+ next unless ref( $e ) eq 'HASH';
+ next unless exists $e->{'t'};
+ $readings{$e->{'t'}->id} = $e->{'t'};
+ }
+ return values %readings;
=head2 next_reading( $reading, $sigil );
Returns the reading that follows the given reading along the given witness