my %opt = (
frames => 3,
+ lines => 0,
+ tests => 0,
+ top => 0,
verbose => 0,
GetOptions(\%opt, qw(
+ frames=i
+ lines!
- frames=i
+ tests!
+ top=i
)) or pod2usage(2);
# Collect summary data
find({wanted => \&filter, no_chdir => 1}, $opt{dir});
+# Format the output nicely
+$Text::Wrap::columns = 80;
+$Text::Wrap::unexpand = 0;
# Write summary
+summary($fh, \%error, \%leak);
exit 0;
sub summary {
- my $fh = shift;
+ my($fh, $error, $leak) = @_;
+ my(%ne, %nl, %top);
+ # Prepare the data
+ for my $e (keys %$error) {
+ for my $f (keys %{$error->{$e}}) {
+ my($func, $file, $line) = split /:/, $f;
+ my $nf = $opt{lines} ? "$func ($file:$line)" : "$func ($file)";
+ $ne{$e}{$nf}{count}++;
+ while (my($k,$v) = each %{$error->{$e}{$f}}) {
+ $ne{$e}{$nf}{tests}{$k} += $v;
+ $top{$k}{error}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $l (keys %$leak) {
+ for my $s (keys %{$leak->{$l}}) {
+ my $ns = join '<', map {
+ my($func, $file, $line) = split /:/;
+ /:/ ? $opt{lines}
+ ? "$func ($file:$line)" : "$func ($file)"
+ : $_
+ } split /</, $s;
+ $nl{$l}{$ns}{count}++;
+ while (my($k,$v) = each %{$leak->{$l}{$s}}) {
+ $nl{$l}{$ns}{tests}{$k} += $v;
+ $top{$k}{leak}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the Top N
+ if ($opt{top}) {
+ for my $what (qw(error leak)) {
+ my @t = sort { $top{$b}{$what} <=> $top{$a}{$what} or $a cmp $b }
+ grep $top{$_}{$what}, keys %top;
+ @t > $opt{top} and splice @t, $opt{top};
+ my $n = @t;
+ my $s = $n > 1 ? 's' : '';
+ my $prev = 0;
+ print $fh "Top $n test scripts for ${what}s:\n\n";
+ for my $i (1 .. $n) {
+ $n = $top{$t[$i-1]}{$what};
+ $s = $n > 1 ? 's' : '';
+ printf $fh " %3s %-40s %3d $what$s\n",
+ $n != $prev ? "$i." : '', $t[$i-1], $n;
+ $prev = $n;
+ }
+ print $fh "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Print the real summary
- $Text::Wrap::columns = 80;
print $fh "MEMORY ACCESS ERRORS\n\n";
- for my $e (sort keys %error) {
+ for my $e (sort keys %ne) {
print $fh qq("$e"\n);
- for my $frame (sort keys %{$error{$e}}) {
- print $fh ' 'x4, "$frame\n",
- wrap(' 'x8, ' 'x8, join ', ', sort keys %{$error{$e}{$frame}}),
- "\n";
+ for my $frame (sort keys %{$ne{$e}}) {
+ my $data = $ne{$e}{$frame};
+ my $count = $data->{count} > 1 ? " [$data->{count} paths]" : '';
+ print $fh ' 'x4, "$frame$count\n",
+ format_tests($data->{tests}), "\n";
print $fh "\n";
print $fh "\nMEMORY LEAKS\n\n";
- for my $l (sort keys %leak) {
+ for my $l (sort keys %nl) {
print $fh qq("$l"\n);
- for my $frames (sort keys %{$leak{$l}}) {
+ for my $frames (sort keys %{$nl{$l}}) {
+ my $data = $nl{$l}{$frames};
my @stack = split /</, $frames;
+ $data->{count} > 1 and $stack[-1] .= " [$data->{count} paths]";
print $fh join('', map { ' 'x4 . "$_:$stack[$_]\n" } 0 .. $#stack ),
- wrap(' 'x8, ' 'x8, join ', ', sort keys %{$leak{$l}{$frames}}),
- "\n\n";
+ format_tests($data->{tests}), "\n\n";
+sub format_tests {
+ my $tests = shift;
+ my $indent = ' 'x8;
+ if ($opt{tests}) {
+ return wrap($indent, $indent, join ', ', sort keys %$tests);
+ }
+ else {
+ my $count = keys %$tests;
+ my $s = $count > 1 ? 's' : '';
+ return $indent . "triggered by $count test$s";
+ }
sub filter {
debug(2, "$File::Find::name\n");
my $inperl = 0; # Are we inside the perl source? (And how deep?)
my @stack; # Call stack
- while ($l[$j++] =~ /^\s+(?:at|by) $hexaddr:\s+((\w+)\s+\((?:([^:]+:\d+)|[^)]+)\))/o) {
- my($frame, $func, $loc) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ while ($l[$j++] =~ /^\s+(?:at|by) $hexaddr:\s+(\w+)\s+\((?:([^:]+):(\d+)|[^)]+)\)/o) {
+ my($func, $file, $lineno) = ($1, $2, $3);
# If the stack frame is inside perl => increment $inperl
# If we've already been inside perl, but are no longer => leave
- defined $loc && ++$inperl or $inperl && last;
+ defined $file && ++$inperl or $inperl && last;
# A function that should be hidden? => clear stack and leave
$hidden && $func =~ $hidden and @stack = (), last;
# Add stack frame if it's within our threshold
- $inperl <= $opt{frames} and push @stack, $inperl ? $frame : $func;
+ if ($inperl <= $opt{frames}) {
+ push @stack, $inperl ? "$func:$file:$lineno" : $func;
+ }
# If there's something on the stack and we've seen perl code,
# Simply find the topmost frame in the call stack within
# the perl source code
- while ($l[$j++] =~ /^\s+(?:at|by) $hexaddr:\s+(\w+\s+\([^:]+:\d+\))?/o) {
+ while ($l[$j++] =~ /^\s+(?:at|by) $hexaddr:\s+(?:(\w+)\s+\(([^:]+):(\d+)\))?/o) {
if (defined $1) {
- $error{$line}{$1}{$test}++;
+ $error{$line}{"$1:$2:$3"}{$test}++;
=head1 SYNOPSIS [B<--dir>=I<dir>] [B<--output-file>=I<file>]
-[B<--frames>=I<number>] [B<--hide>=I<identifier>] [B<--verbose>] [B<--dir>=I<dir>] [B<--frames>=I<number>]
+[B<--hide>=I<identifier>] [B<--lines>]
+[B<--output-file>=I<file>] [B<--tests>]
+[B<--top>=I<number>] [B<--verbose>]
either the perl source or the I<t> directory and will process
all I<.valgrind> files within the distribution.
-=item B<--output-file>=I<file>
-Redirect the output into I<file>. If this option is not
-given, the output goes to I<stdout>.
=item B<--frames>=I<number>
Number of stack frames within the perl source code to
expression, in which case all leaks with symbols matching the
expression are hidden. Can be given multiple times.
+=item B<--lines>
+Show line numbers for stack frames. This is useful for further
+increasing the error/leak resolution, but makes it harder to
+compare different reports using I<diff>.
+=item B<--output-file>=I<file>
+Redirect the output into I<file>. If this option is not
+given, the output goes to I<stdout>.
+=item B<--tests>
+List all tests that trigger memory access errors or memory
+leaks explicitly instead of only printing a count.
+=item B<--top>=I<number>
+List the top I<number> test scripts for memory access errors
+and memory leaks. Set to C<0> for no top-I<n> statistics.
=item B<--verbose>
Increase verbosity level. Can be given multiple times.