=head1 NAME
-DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Sybase - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI Sybase Implementation.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- package My::Schema;
- use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/;
- __PACKAGE__->loader_options( debug => 1 );
- 1;
+DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Sybase - DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI
+Sybase ASE Implementation.
-See L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base>.
+See L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> and L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base>.
my $dbh = $self->schema->storage->dbh;
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{
-SELECT c.name name, t.name type, cm.text deflt, c.prec prec, c.scale scale,
- c.length len
+SELECT c.name name, bt.name base_type, ut.name user_type, cm.text deflt, c.prec prec, c.scale scale, c.length len
FROM syscolumns c
JOIN sysobjects o ON c.id = o.id
-LEFT JOIN systypes t ON c.type = t.type AND c.usertype = t.usertype
+LEFT JOIN systypes bt ON c.type = bt.type
+LEFT JOIN systypes ut ON c.usertype = ut.usertype
LEFT JOIN syscomments cm
ON cm.id = CASE WHEN c.cdefault = 0 THEN c.computedcol ELSE c.cdefault END
WHERE o.name = @{[ $dbh->quote($table) ]} AND o.type = 'U'
my $info = $sth->fetchall_hashref('name');
while (my ($col, $res) = each %$result) {
- my $data_type = $res->{data_type} = $info->{$col}{type};
+ my $data_type = $res->{data_type} = $info->{$col}{user_type} || $info->{$col}{base_type};
if ($data_type && $data_type =~ /^timestamp\z/i) {
$res->{inflate_datetime} = 0;
if ($function =~ /^getdate\b/) {
$res->{inflate_datetime} = 1;
+ delete $res->{size};
+ $res->{data_type} = undef;
elsif ($default =~ /^DEFAULT \s+ (\S+)/ix) {
my ($constant_default) = $1 =~ /^['"\[\]]?(.*?)['"\[\]]?\z/;
-# XXX we need to handle "binary precision" for FLOAT(X)
-# (see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa258876(SQL.80).aspx )
if (my $data_type = $res->{data_type}) {
- if ($data_type =~ /^(?:text|unitext|image|bigint|int|integer|smallint|tinyint|real|double|double precision|float|date|time|datetime|smalldatetime|money|smallmoney|timestamp|bit)\z/i) {
+ if ($data_type eq 'int') {
+ $data_type = $res->{data_type} = 'integer';
+ }
+ elsif ($data_type eq 'decimal') {
+ $data_type = $res->{data_type} = 'numeric';
+ }
+ if ($data_type =~ /^(?:text|unitext|image|bigint|integer|smallint|tinyint|real|double|double precision|float|date|time|datetime|smalldatetime|money|smallmoney|timestamp|bit)\z/i) {
delete $res->{size};
- elsif ($data_type =~ /^(?:numeric|decimal)\z/i) {
- $res->{size} = [ $info->{$col}{prec}, $info->{$col}{scale} ];
+ elsif ($data_type eq 'numeric') {
+ my ($prec, $scale) = @{$info->{$col}}{qw/prec scale/};
+ if ($prec == 18 && $scale == 0) {
+ delete $res->{size};
+ }
+ else {
+ $res->{size} = [ $prec, $scale ];
+ }
elsif ($data_type =~ /^(?:unichar|univarchar)\z/i) {
$res->{size} /= 2;
+ if ($data_type eq 'float') {
+ $res->{data_type} = $info->{$col}{len} <= 4 ? 'real' : 'double precision';
+ }
return $result;
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader>, L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base>,
=head1 NAME
-DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Sybase::Common - Common functions for Sybase
+DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::Sybase::Common - Common methods for Sybase
-See L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base>.
+See L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader> and L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base>.
L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader>, L<DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Base>,
user => $user,
password => $password,
data_types => {
- 'bigint' => { data_type => 'bigint' },
- 'int8' => { data_type => 'bigint' },
- 'bigserial' => { data_type => 'bigint', is_auto_increment => 1 },
- 'serial8' => { data_type => 'bigint', is_auto_increment => 1 },
- 'bit' => { data_type => 'bit' },
- 'boolean' => { data_type => 'boolean' },
- 'bool' => { data_type => 'boolean' },
- 'box' => { data_type => 'box' },
- 'bytea' => { data_type => 'bytea' },
- 'cidr' => { data_type => 'cidr' },
- 'circle' => { data_type => 'circle' },
- 'date' => { data_type => 'date' },
+ bigint => { data_type => 'bigint' },
+ int8 => { data_type => 'bigint' },
+ bigserial => { data_type => 'bigint', is_auto_increment => 1 },
+ serial8 => { data_type => 'bigint', is_auto_increment => 1 },
+ bit => { data_type => 'bit' },
+ boolean => { data_type => 'boolean' },
+ bool => { data_type => 'boolean' },
+ box => { data_type => 'box' },
+ bytea => { data_type => 'bytea' },
+ cidr => { data_type => 'cidr' },
+ circle => { data_type => 'circle' },
+ date => { data_type => 'date' },
'double precision' => { data_type => 'double precision' },
- 'float8' => { data_type => 'double precision' },
- 'inet' => { data_type => 'inet' },
- 'integer' => { data_type => 'integer' },
- 'int' => { data_type => 'integer' },
- 'int4' => { data_type => 'integer' },
- 'interval' => { data_type => 'interval' },
+ float8 => { data_type => 'double precision' },
+ inet => { data_type => 'inet' },
+ integer => { data_type => 'integer' },
+ int => { data_type => 'integer' },
+ int4 => { data_type => 'integer' },
+ interval => { data_type => 'interval' },
'interval(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'interval' },
- 'line' => { data_type => 'line' },
- 'lseg' => { data_type => 'lseg' },
- 'macaddr' => { data_type => 'macaddr' },
- 'money' => { data_type => 'money' },
- 'path' => { data_type => 'path' },
- 'point' => { data_type => 'point' },
- 'polygon' => { data_type => 'polygon' },
- 'real' => { data_type => 'real' },
- 'float4' => { data_type => 'real' },
- 'smallint' => { data_type => 'smallint' },
- 'int2' => { data_type => 'smallint' },
- 'serial' => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
- 'serial4' => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
- 'text' => { data_type => 'text' },
- 'time' => { data_type => 'time without time zone' },
+ line => { data_type => 'line' },
+ lseg => { data_type => 'lseg' },
+ macaddr => { data_type => 'macaddr' },
+ money => { data_type => 'money' },
+ path => { data_type => 'path' },
+ point => { data_type => 'point' },
+ polygon => { data_type => 'polygon' },
+ real => { data_type => 'real' },
+ float4 => { data_type => 'real' },
+ smallint => { data_type => 'smallint' },
+ int2 => { data_type => 'smallint' },
+ serial => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
+ serial4 => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
+ text => { data_type => 'text' },
+ time => { data_type => 'time without time zone' },
'time(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'time without time zone' },
'time without time zone' => { data_type => 'time without time zone' },
'time(2) without time zone' => { size => 2, data_type => 'time without time zone' },
'time with time zone' => { data_type => 'time with time zone' },
'time(2) with time zone' => { size => 2, data_type => 'time with time zone' },
- 'timestamp' => { data_type => 'timestamp without time zone' },
+ timestamp => { data_type => 'timestamp without time zone' },
'timestamp(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'timestamp without time zone' },
'timestamp without time zone' => { data_type => 'timestamp without time zone' },
'timestamp(2) without time zone' => { size => 2, data_type => 'timestamp without time zone' },
'char(2)' => { size => 2, data_type => 'character' },
'numeric(6, 3)' => { size => [6,3], data_type => 'numeric' },
'decimal(6, 3)' => { size => [6,3], data_type => 'numeric' },
- 'numeric' => { data_type => 'numeric' },
- 'decimal' => { data_type => 'numeric' },
+ numeric => { data_type => 'numeric' },
+ decimal => { data_type => 'numeric' },
'float(24)' => { data_type => 'real' },
'float(53)' => { data_type => 'double precision' },
- 'float' => { data_type => 'double precision' },
+ float => { data_type => 'double precision' },
extra => {
create => [
dsn => $dsn,
user => $user,
password => $password,
- extra => {
- create => [
- q{
- CREATE TABLE sybase_loader_test1 (
- ts timestamp,
- computed_dt AS getdate()
- )
- },
# Test data types, see http://ispirer.com/wiki/sqlways/sybase/data-types
-# XXX handle FLOAT(P) at some point
-# ( http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa258876(SQL.80).aspx )
- q{
- CREATE TABLE sybase_loader_test2 (
- a_text TEXT,
- a_unitext UNITEXT,
- an_image IMAGE,
- a_bigint BIGINT,
- an_int INT,
- an_integer INTEGER,
- a_smallint SMALLINT,
- a_tinyint TINYINT,
- a_real REAL,
- a_double_precision DOUBLE PRECISION,
- a_date DATE,
- a_time TIME,
- a_datetime DATETIME,
- a_smalldatetime SMALLDATETIME,
- a_money MONEY,
- a_smallmoney SMALLMONEY,
- a_timestamp timestamp,
- a_bit BIT,
- a_char_with_precision CHAR(2),
- an_nchar_with_precision NCHAR(2),
- a_unichar_with_precision UNICHAR(2),
- a_varchar_with_precision VARCHAR(2),
- an_nvarchar_with_precision NVARCHAR(2),
- a_univarchar_with_precision UNIVARCHAR(2),
- a_float FLOAT,
- a_binary_with_precision BINARY(2),
- a_varbinary_with_precision VARBINARY(2),
- the_numeric NUMERIC(6,3),
- the_decimal DECIMAL(6,3)
- )
- },
- ],
- drop => [ qw/ sybase_loader_test1 sybase_loader_test2 / ],
- count => 37,
- run => sub {
- my ($schema, $monikers, $classes) = @_;
- my $rs = $schema->resultset($monikers->{sybase_loader_test1});
- my $rsrc = $rs->result_source;
- is $rsrc->column_info('id')->{data_type},
- 'int',
- 'INTEGER IDENTITY data_type is correct';
- is $rsrc->column_info('id')->{is_auto_increment},
- 1,
- 'INTEGER IDENTITY is_auto_increment => 1';
- is $rsrc->column_info('ts')->{data_type},
- 'timestamp',
- 'timestamps have the correct data_type';
- is $rsrc->column_info('ts')->{inflate_datetime},
- 0,
- 'timestamps have inflate_datetime => 0';
- ok ((exists $rsrc->column_info('computed_dt')->{data_type}
- && (not defined $rsrc->column_info('computed_dt')->{data_type})),
- 'data_type for computed column exists and is undef')
- or diag "Data type is: ",
- $rsrc->column_info('computed_dt')->{data_type}
- ;
- my $computed_dt_default =
- $rsrc->column_info('computed_dt')->{default_value};
- ok ((ref $computed_dt_default eq 'SCALAR'),
- 'default_value for computed column is a scalar ref')
- or diag "default_value is: ", $computed_dt_default
- ;
- eval { is $$computed_dt_default,
- 'getdate()',
- 'default_value for computed column is correct' };
- $rsrc = $schema->resultset($monikers->{sybase_loader_test2})
- ->result_source;
- my @type_columns = grep /^a/, $rsrc->columns;
- my @without_precision = grep !/_with_precision\z/, @type_columns;
- my @with_precision = grep /_with_precision\z/, @type_columns;
- my %with_precision;
- @with_precision{
- apply { s/_with_precision\z// } @with_precision
- } = ();
- for my $col (@without_precision) {
- my ($data_type) = $col =~ /^an?_(.*)/;
- $data_type =~ s/_/ /g;
- ok((not exists $rsrc->column_info($col)->{size}),
- "$data_type " .
- (exists $with_precision{$col} ? 'without precision ' : '') .
- "has no 'size' column_info")
- or diag "size is ".$rsrc->column_info($col)->{size}."\n";
- }
- for my $col (@with_precision) {
- my ($data_type) = $col =~ /^an?_(.*)_with_precision\z/;
- ($data_type = uc $data_type) =~ s/_/ /g;
- my $size = $rsrc->column_info($col)->{size};
- is $size, 2,
- "$data_type with precision has a correct 'size' column_info";
- }
- is_deeply $rsrc->column_info('the_numeric')->{size}, [6,3],
- 'size for NUMERIC(precision, scale) is correct';
- is_deeply $rsrc->column_info('the_decimal')->{size}, [6,3],
- 'size for DECIMAL(precision, scale) is correct';
- is $schema->resultset($monikers->{loader_test35})->result_source->column_info('a_function')->{inflate_datetime}, 1,
- 'AS getdate() columns get inflate_datetime => 1';
- },
+ data_types => {
+ 'integer identity' => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
+ 'AS getdate()' => { data_type => undef, inflate_datetime => 1, default_value => \'getdate()' },
+ text => { data_type => 'text' },
+ unitext => { data_type => 'unitext' },
+ image => { data_type => 'image' },
+ bigint => { data_type => 'bigint' },
+ int => { data_type => 'integer' },
+ integer => { data_type => 'integer' },
+ smallint => { data_type => 'smallint' },
+ tinyint => { data_type => 'tinyint' },
+ date => { data_type => 'date' },
+ time => { data_type => 'time' },
+ datetime => { data_type => 'datetime' },
+ smalldatetime => { data_type => 'smalldatetime' },
+ money => { data_type => 'money' },
+ smallmoney => { data_type => 'smallmoney' },
+ timestamp => { data_type => 'timestamp', inflate_datetime => 0 },
+ bit => { data_type => 'bit' },
+ 'char(2)' => { data_type => 'char', size => 2 },
+ 'nchar(2)' => { data_type => 'nchar', size => 2 },
+ 'unichar(2)' => { data_type => 'unichar', size => 2 },
+ 'varchar(2)' => { data_type => 'varchar', size => 2 },
+ 'nvarchar(2)' => { data_type => 'nvarchar', size => 2 },
+ 'univarchar(2)' => { data_type => 'univarchar', size => 2 },
+ 'binary(2)' => { data_type => 'binary', size => 2 },
+ 'varbinary(2)' => { data_type => 'varbinary', size => 2 },
+ 'double precision' => { data_type => 'double precision' },
+ real => { data_type => 'real' },
+ float => { data_type => 'double precision' },
+ 'float(14)' => { data_type => 'real' },
+ 'float(15)' => { data_type => 'real' },
+ 'float(16)' => { data_type => 'double precision' },
+ 'float(48)' => { data_type => 'double precision' },
+ 'numeric(6,3)' => { data_type => 'numeric', size => [6,3] },
+ 'decimal(6,3)' => { data_type => 'numeric', size => [6,3] },
+ numeric => { data_type => 'numeric' },
+ decimal => { data_type => 'numeric' },
while (my ($col_def, $expected_info) = each %$types) {
my $have_size = $col_def =~ /\(/ ? 1 : 0;
- (my $type_alias = $col_def) =~ s/\([^()]+\)//g;
+ (my $type_alias = lc($col_def)) =~ s/\([^()]+\)//g;
$type_alias =~ s/\s/_/g;
+ $type_alias =~ s/\W//g;
- my $col_name = $type_alias . ($have_size ? '_with_size' : '');
+ my @size = grep defined($_), $col_def =~ /\( \s* (\d+) \s* ,? \s* (\d+)?/x;
- $col_name .= $seen_col_names{$col_name} if $seen_col_names{$col_name}++;
+ my $col_name = $type_alias . ($have_size ? "_with_size_".(join '_', @size) : '');
+ $col_name .= "_$seen_col_names{$col_name}" if $seen_col_names{$col_name}++;
$ddl .= " $col_name $col_def,\n";