--- /dev/null
+package Data::Query::Renderer::SQL::Naive;
+use strictures 1;
+use SQL::ReservedWords;
+use Data::Query::Constants qw(DQ_IDENTIFIER DQ_OPERATOR DQ_VALUE);
+sub new {
+ bless({ %{$_[1]||{}} }, (ref($_[0])||$_[0]))->BUILDALL;
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{reserved_ident_parts}
+ ||= (
+ our $_DEFAULT_RESERVED ||= { map +($_ => 1), SQL::ReservedWords->words }
+ );
+ $self->{quote_chars}||=[''];
+ $self->{simple_ops}||=$self->_default_simple_ops;
+ return $self;
+sub _default_simple_ops {
+ +{
+ (map +($_ => 'binop'), qw(= > < >= <=) ),
+ (map +($_ => 'unop'), (qw(NOT)) ),
+ (map +($_ => 'flatten'), qw(AND OR) ),
+ }
+sub render {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_flatten_structure($self->_render(@_))
+sub _flatten_structure {
+ my ($self, $struct) = @_;
+ my @bind;
+ [ (join ' ', map {
+ my $r = ref;
+ if (!$r) { $_ }
+ elsif ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my ($sql, @b) = @{$self->_flatten_structure($_)};
+ push @bind, @b;
+ $sql;
+ }
+ elsif ($r eq 'HASH') { push @bind, $_; () }
+ else { die "_flatten_structure can't handle ref type $r for $_" }
+ } @$struct), @bind ];
+sub _render {
+ $_[0]->${\"_render_${\lc($_[1]->{type})}"}($_[1]);
+sub _render_identifier {
+ die "Unidentified identifier (SQL can no has \$_)"
+ unless my @i = @{$_[1]->{elements}};
+ # handle single or paired quote chars
+ my ($q1, $q2) = @{$_[0]->{quote_chars}}[0,-1];
+ my $always_quote = $_[0]->{always_quote};
+ my $res_check = $_[0]->{reserved_ident_parts};
+ return [
+ join
+ $_[0]->{identifier_sep}||'.',
+ map +(
+ $_ eq '*' # Yes, this means you can't have a column just called '*'.
+ ? $_ # Yes, this is a feature. Go shoot the DBA if he disagrees.
+ : ( # reserved are stored uc, quote if non-word
+ $always_quote || $res_check->{+uc} || /\W/
+ ? $q1.$_.$q2
+ : $_
+ )
+ ), @i
+ ];
+sub _render_value {
+ [ '?', $_[1] ];
+sub _render_operator {
+ my ($self, $dq) = @_;
+ my $op = $dq->{operator};
+ unless (exists $op->{'SQL.Naive'}) {
+ $op->{'SQL.Naive'} = $self->_convert_op($dq);
+ }
+ if (my $op_type = $self->{simple_ops}{my $op_name = $op->{'SQL.Naive'}}) {
+ return $self->${\"_handle_op_type_${op_type}"}($op_name, $dq);
+ }
+ die "Couldn't render operator ".$op->{'SQL.Naive'};
+sub _handle_op_type_binop {
+ my ($self, $op_name, $dq) = @_;
+ die "${op_name} registered as binary op but args contain "
+ .scalar(@{$dq->{args}})." entries"
+ unless @{$dq->{args}} == 2;
+ [
+ $self->_render($dq->{args}[0]),
+ $op_name,
+ $self->_render($dq->{args}[1]),
+ ]
+sub _handle_op_type_unop {
+ my ($self, $op_name, $dq) = @_;
+ die "${op_name} registered as unary op but args contain "
+ .scalar(@{$dq->{args}})." entries"
+ unless @{$dq->{args}} == 1;
+ [
+ [ $op_name ],
+ $self->_render($dq->{args}[0]),
+ ]
+sub _handle_op_type_flatten {
+ my ($self, $op_name, $dq) = @_;
+ my @argq = @{$dq->{args}};
+ my @arg_final;
+ while (my $arg = shift @argq) {
+ unless ($arg->{type} eq DQ_OPERATOR) {
+ push @arg_final, $arg;
+ next;
+ }
+ my $op = $arg->{operator};
+ unless (exists $op->{'SQL.Naive'}) {
+ $op->{'SQL.Naive'} = $self->_convert_op($arg);
+ }
+ if ($op->{'SQL.Naive'} eq $op_name) {
+ unshift @argq, @{$arg->{args}};
+ } else {
+ push @arg_final, $arg;
+ }
+ }
+ my @sql = ('(', map +($self->_render($_), $op_name), @arg_final);
+ $sql[-1] = ')'; # replace final AND or whatever with )
+ \@sql;
+sub _convert_op {
+ my ($self, $dq) = @_;
+ if (my $perl_op = $dq->{'operator'}->{'Perl'}) {
+ for ($perl_op) {
+ $_ eq '==' and return '=';
+ $_ eq 'eq' and return '=';
+ $_ eq '!' and return 'NOT';
+ }
+ return uc $perl_op; # hope!
+ }
+ die "Can't convert non-perl op yet";
--- /dev/null
+use strictures 1;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+use Devel::Dwarn;
+use Data::Query::Renderer::SQL::Naive;
+BEGIN { require 't/expr.include' }
+my $rend = Data::Query::Renderer::SQL::Naive->new({ quote_chars => [ "'" ] });
+sub expr_sql_is (&;@) {
+ my $sub = shift;
+ @_
+ ? is_deeply($rend->render(_mk_expr($sub)), @_)
+ : ::Dwarn($rend->render(_mk_expr($sub)));
+expr_sql_is { $_->foo }
+ [ 'foo' ],
+ "Simple identifier -> SQL";
+expr_sql_is { $_->group }
+ [ q{'group'} ],
+ "Simple identifier needing quoting -> SQL";
+expr_sql_is { $_->foo->group }
+ [ q{foo.'group'} ],
+ "Complex identifier -> SQL";
+expr_sql_is { $_->foo == 1 }
+ [
+ "foo = ?",
+ {
+ subtype => {
+ Perl => "Scalar"
+ },
+ type => "Value",
+ value => 1
+ }
+ ],
+ "Simple expression -> SQL";
+expr_sql_is { ($_->foo == 1) & ($_->bar eq "foo") }
+ [
+ "( foo = ? AND bar = ? )",
+ {
+ subtype => {
+ Perl => "Scalar"
+ },
+ type => "Value",
+ value => 1
+ },
+ {
+ subtype => {
+ Perl => "Scalar"
+ },
+ type => "Value",
+ value => "foo"
+ }
+ ],
+ "Compound expression -> SQL";
+expr_sql_is { ($_->foo == 1) & ($_->bar eq "foo") & ($_->baz > 3) }
+ [
+ "( foo = ? AND bar = ? AND baz > ? )",
+ {
+ subtype => {
+ Perl => "Scalar"
+ },
+ type => "Value",
+ value => 1
+ },
+ {
+ subtype => {
+ Perl => "Scalar"
+ },
+ type => "Value",
+ value => "foo"
+ },
+ {
+ subtype => {
+ Perl => "Scalar"
+ },
+ type => "Value",
+ value => 3
+ }
+ ],
+ "Flatten expression ok";
+expr_sql_is { !$_->foo }
+ [ "NOT foo" ],
+ "Unary expression ok";