my( %substart, %subend );
foreach my $edge ( @edges ) {
# Do we need to output this edge?
- if( $used{$edge->[0]} && $used{$edge->[1]} ) {;
+ if( $used{$edge->[0]} && $used{$edge->[1]} ) {
my $label = $self->path_display_label( $self->path_witnesses( $edge ) );
my $variables = { %edge_attrs, 'label' => $label };
# Account for the rank gap if necessary
$variables->{'minlen'} = $self->reading( $edge->[1] )->rank
- $self->reading( $edge->[0] )->rank;
+ # EXPERIMENTAL: make edge width reflect no. of witnesses
+ my $extrawidth = scalar( $self->path_witnesses( $edge ) ) * 0.2;
+ $variables->{'penwidth'} = $extrawidth + 0.8; # gives 1 for a single wit
my $varopts = _dot_attr_string( $variables );
$dot .= sprintf( "\t\"%s\" -> \"%s\" %s;\n",
$edge->[0], $edge->[1], $varopts );
@edge = @$e;
my @wits = keys %{$self->sequence->get_edge_attributes( @edge )};
- return sort @wits;
+ return @wits;
sub path_display_label {
- my( $self, @wits ) = @_;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @wits = sort @_;
my $maj = scalar( $self->tradition->witnesses ) * 0.6;
if( scalar @wits > $maj ) {
# TODO break out a.c. wits
my $edge_ctr = 0;
foreach my $e ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } $self->sequence->edges() ) {
# We add an edge in the graphml for every witness in $e.
- foreach my $wit ( $self->path_witnesses( $e ) ) {
+ foreach my $wit ( sort $self->path_witnesses( $e ) ) {
my( $id, $from, $to ) = ( 'e'.$edge_ctr++,
$node_hash{ $e->[0] },
$node_hash{ $e->[1] } );
if( $self->sequence->has_edge_attribute( @$le, $self->baselabel ) ) {
$base_le = $le;
- my @le_wits = $self->path_witnesses( $le );
+ my @le_wits = sort $self->path_witnesses( $le );
if( _is_within( \@path_wits, \@le_wits ) ) {
# This is the right path.
return $direction eq 'next' ? $le->[1] : $le->[0];