use Config;
# @ARGV with '!' at first position are exclusions
-my %excl = map {$_=>1} map {/^!(.*)$/} @ARGV;
-@ARGV = grep {!/^!/} @ARGV;
# @ARGV with '+' at first position are inclusions
-my %incl = map {$_=>1} map {/^\+(.*)$/} @ARGV;
-@ARGV = grep {!/^\+/} @ARGV;
-# --static/--dynamic
-my %opts = map {$_=>1} map {/^--([\w\-]+)$/} @ARGV;
-@ARGV = grep {!/^--([\w\-]+)$/} @ARGV;
-my ($static,$dynamic) = ((exists $opts{static}?1:0),(exists $opts{dynamic}?1:0));
-if ("$static,$dynamic" eq "0,0") {
- ($static,$dynamic) = (1,1);
+# -- are long options.
+my %excl, %incl,
+my @argv;
+foreach (@ARGV) {
+ if (/^!(.*)$/) {
+ $excl{$1} = 1;
+ } elsif (/^\+(.*)$/) {
+ $incl{$1} = 1;
+ } elsif (/^--([\w\-]+)$/) {
+ $opts{$1} = 1;
+ } else {
+ push @argv, $_;
+ }
+my $static = $opts{static};
+my $dynamic = $opts{dynamic};
+$static = $dynamic = 1 unless $static or $dynamic;
+my $make = shift @argv;
+$make .= " " . shift @argv while $argv[0] =~ /^-/;
+my $dep = shift @argv;
+my $dir = shift @argv;
+my $targ = shift @argv;
(my $here = getcwd()) =~ s{/}{\\}g;
my $perl = $^X;
if ($perl =~ m#^\.\.#) {
print "@args\n";
system(@args) unless defined $::Cross::platform;
-my $make = shift;
-$make .= " ".shift while $ARGV[0]=~/^-/;
-my $dep = shift;
my $dmod = -M $dep;
-my $dir = shift;
chdir($dir) || die "Cannot cd to $dir\n";
-my $targ = shift;
(my $ext = getcwd()) =~ s{/}{\\}g;
my $code;