# any of these methods, as they will
# override the ones in your class, which
# is almost certainly not what you want.
- next if $handle =~ /^BUILD|DEMOLISH$/ || Moose::Object->can($handle);
+ # FIXME warn when $handle was explicitly specified, but not if the source is a regex or something
+ #cluck("Not delegating method '$handle' because it is a core method") and
+ next if $class_name->isa("Moose::Object") and $handle =~ /^BUILD|DEMOLISH$/ || Moose::Object->can($handle);
if ((reftype($method_to_call) || '') eq 'CODE') {
$associated_class->add_method($handle => $method_to_call);
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 8;
+use Test::More tests => 15;
use Test::Exception;
is($bar->a, 'Foo::a', '... got the right delgated value');
+my @w;
+$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, "@_" };
package Baz;
use Moose;
+is(@w, 0, "no warnings");
my $baz;
lives_ok {
$baz = Baz->new;
+@w = ();
+ package Blart;
+ use Moose;
+ ::lives_ok {
+ has 'bar' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'Foo',
+ lazy => 1,
+ default => sub { Foo->new() },
+ handles => [qw(a new)],
+ );
+ } '... can create the attribute with delegations';
+ local $TODO = "warning not yet implemented";
+ is(@w, 1, "one warning");
+ like($w[0], qr/not delegating.*new/i, "warned");
+my $blart;
+lives_ok {
+ $blart = Blart->new;
+} '... created the object ok';
+isa_ok($blart, 'Blart');
+is($blart->a, 'Foo::a', '... got the right delgated value');