Some people tweak their JSON (or YAML) modules to format things
differently by default, so roundtrip the expected data through a
load/dump to make sure it's formatted thes same.
* Fix Oracle producer generating an unnecessary / at the end in case there
are no triggers
* Skip HTML tests if CGI is not installed (RT#98027)
+ * Fix JSON and YAML tests if the defaults have been tweaked (RT#98824)
0.11020 2014-09-02
my $sqlt_version = $SQL::Translator::VERSION;
-my $json = <<JSON;
+use JSON;
+my $json = to_json(from_json(<<JSON), { canonical => 1, pretty => 1 });
"schema" : {
"procedures" : {},
my $sqlt_version = $SQL::Translator::VERSION;
-my $yaml = <<YAML;
+use YAML qw(Dump Load);
+my $yaml = Dump(Load(<<YAML));
procedures: {}