Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- - remove is_deferrable from default rel options to maintain
- principle of least surprise when round-tripping to deploy()
- support CamelCase table names
- rewrite datetime default functions as \'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' where
possible (except for Sybase ASE) to ease cross-deployment
is $rsobj4->result_source->relationship_info('fkid_singular')->{attrs}{on_update}, 'CASCADE',
"on_update => 'CASCADE' on belongs_to by default";
- ok ((not exists $rsobj4->result_source->relationship_info('fkid_singular')->{attrs}{is_deferrable}),
- 'belongs_to does not have is_deferrable');
+ is $rsobj4->result_source->relationship_info('fkid_singular')->{attrs}{is_deferrable}, 1,
+ "is_deferrable => 1 on belongs_to by default";
ok ((not exists $rsobj4->result_source->relationship_info('fkid_singular')->{attrs}{cascade_delete}),
'belongs_to does not have cascade_delete');