use strict;
-print "1..135\n";
+print "1..140\n";
my $i = 1;
print "ok ", $i++, "\n";
print "not " unless myref(*myglob) =~ /^GLOB\(/;
print "ok ", $i++, "\n";
+ eval q/sub multi1 (\[%@]) { 1 } multi1 $myvar;/;
+ print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 1 to main::multi1 must be one of/;
+ print "ok ", $i++, "\n";
+ eval q/sub multi2 (\[$*&]) { 1 } multi2 @myarray;/;
+ print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 1 to main::multi2 must be one of/;
+ print "ok ", $i++, "\n";
+ eval q/sub multi3 (\[$@]) { 1 } multi3 %myhash;/;
+ print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 1 to main::multi3 must be one of/;
+ print "ok ", $i++, "\n";
+ eval q/sub multi4 ($\[%]) { 1 } multi4 1, &mysub;/;
+ print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 2 to main::multi4 must be one of/;
+ print "ok ", $i++, "\n";
+ eval q/sub multi5 (\[$@]$) { 1 } multi5 *myglob;/;
+ print "not " unless $@ =~ /Type of arg 1 to main::multi5 must be one of/
+ && $@ =~ /Not enough arguments/;
+ print "ok ", $i++, "\n";
# check that obviously bad prototypes are getting warnings