Porting/makerel Release making utility
Porting/make_snapshot.pl Make a tgz snapshot of our tree with a .patch file in it
Porting/manicheck Check against MANIFEST
+Porting/manisort Sort the MANIFEST
Porting/podtidy Reformat pod using Pod::Tidy
Porting/pumpkin.pod Guidelines and hints for Perl maintainers
Porting/README.y2038 Perl notes for the 2038 fix
.PHONY: manisort manicheck
manisort: FORCE
- LC_ALL=C sort -fdc MANIFEST || (echo "WARNING: re-sorting MANIFEST"; \
+ @perl Porting/manisort -q || (echo "WARNING: re-sorting MANIFEST"; \
+ perl Porting/manisort -q -o MANIFEST; sh -c true)
manicheck: FORCE
perl Porting/manicheck
--- /dev/null
+# Usage: manisort [-q] [-o outfile] [filename]
+# Without 'filename', looks for MANIFEST in the current dir.
+# With '-o outfile', writes the sorted MANIFEST to the specified file.
+# Prints the result of the sort to stderr. '-q' silences this.
+# The exit code for the script is the sort result status
+# (i.e., 0 means already sorted properly, 1 means not properly sorted)
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+$| = 1;
+# Get command line options
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $outfile;
+my $check_only = 0;
+my $quiet = 0;
+GetOptions ('output=s' => \$outfile,
+ 'check' => \$check_only,
+ 'quiet' => \$quiet);
+my $file = (@ARGV) ? shift : 'MANIFEST';
+# Read in the MANIFEST file
+open(my $IN, '<', $file)
+ or die("Can't read '$file': $!");
+my @manifest = <$IN>;
+close($IN) or die($!);
+# Sort by dictionary order (ignore-case and
+# consider whitespace and alphanumeric only)
+my @sorted = sort {
+ (my $aa = $a) =~ s/[^\s\da-zA-Z]//g;
+ (my $bb = $b) =~ s/[^\s\da-zA-Z]//g;
+ uc($aa) cmp uc($bb)
+ } @manifest;
+# Check if the file is sorted or not
+my $exit_code = 0;
+for (my $ii = 0; $ii < $#manifest; $ii++) {
+ next if ($manifest[$ii] eq $sorted[$ii]);
+ $exit_code = 1; # Not sorted
+ last;
+# Output sorted file
+if (defined($outfile)) {
+ open(my $OUT, '>', $outfile)
+ or die("Can't open output file '$outfile': $!");
+ print($OUT join("\n", @sorted), "\n");
+ close($OUT) or die($!);
+# Report on sort results
+printf(STDERR "'$file' is%s sorted properly\n",
+ (($exit_code) ? ' NOT' : '')) if (! $quiet);
+# Exit with the sort results status
+# EOF
open my $m, '<', $manifest or die "Can't open '$manifest': $!";
-my $last_seen = '';
-my $sorted = 1;
# Test that MANIFEST uses tabs - not spaces - after the name of the file.
while (<$m>) {
- my ($file, $separator) = /^(\S+)(\s*)/;
+ next unless /\s/; # Ignore lines without whitespace (i.e., filename only)
+ my ($file, $separator) = /^(\S+)(\s+)/;
isnt($file, undef, "Line $. doesn't start with a blank") or next;
- # Manifest order is "dictionary order, lowercase" for ASCII:
- my $normalised = $_;
- $normalised =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- $normalised =~ s/[^a-z0-9\s]//g;
- if ($normalised le $last_seen) {
- fail("Sort order broken by $file");
- undef $sorted;
- }
- $last_seen = $normalised;
- if (!$separator) {
- # Ignore lines without whitespace (i.e., filename only)
- } elsif ($separator !~ tr/\t//c) {
+ if ($separator !~ tr/\t//c) {
# It's all tabs
} elsif ($separator !~ tr/ //c) {
close $m or die $!;
-ok($sorted, 'MANIFEST properly sorted');
+# Test that MANIFEST is properly sorted
+SKIP: {
+ skip("'Porting/manisort' not found", 1) if (! -f '../Porting/manisort');
+ my $result = runperl('progfile' => '../Porting/manisort',
+ 'args' => [ '-c', '../MANIFEST' ],
+ 'stderr' => 1);
+ like($result, qr/is sorted properly/, 'MANIFEST sorted properly');