is( scalar $t3->collation->readings, $READINGS, "Reparsed TSV collation has all readings" );
is( scalar $t3->collation->paths, $PATHS, "Reparsed TSV collation has all paths" );
+my $table = $c->alignment_table;
my $noaccsv = $c->as_csv({ noac => 1 });
my @noaclines = split(/\n/, $noaccsv );
ok( $csv->parse( $noaclines[0] ), "Successfully parsed first line of no-ac CSV" );
is( scalar( $csv->fields ), $WITS, "CSV has correct number of witness columns" );
+is( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Request for CSV did not alter the alignment table" );
=end testing
sub alignment_table {
my( $self, $opts ) = @_;
- return $self->cached_table
- if $self->has_cached_table && !$opts->{noac};
+ if( $self->has_cached_table ) {
+ # TODO if sanitizing & have cached table, just sanitize the existing table.
+ if( !$opts->{noac} ) {
+ return $self->cached_table;
+ }
+ }
# Make sure we can do this
throw( "Need a linear graph in order to make an alignment table" )
push( @{$table->{'alignment'}}, $witacobj );
- $self->cached_table( $table );
+ unless( $opts->{noac} ) {
+ $self->cached_table( $table );
+ }
return $table;
is( scalar $t3->collation->readings, $READINGS, "Reparsed TSV collation has all readings" );
is( scalar $t3->collation->paths, $PATHS, "Reparsed TSV collation has all paths" );
+my $table = $c->alignment_table;
my $noaccsv = $c->as_csv({ noac => 1 });
my @noaclines = split(/\n/, $noaccsv );
ok( $csv->parse( $noaclines[0] ), "Successfully parsed first line of no-ac CSV" );
is( scalar( $csv->fields ), $WITS, "CSV has correct number of witness columns" );
+is( $c->alignment_table, $table, "Request for CSV did not alter the alignment table" );