default => ' (a.c.)',
+has 'wordsep' => (
+ is => 'rw',
+ isa => 'Str',
+ default => ' ',
+ );
has 'start' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading',
a text has more than one possible reading due to scribal corrections or
the like. Defaults to ' (a.c.)'.
+=item * wordsep - The string used to separate words in the original text.
+Defaults to ' '.
=head2 ac_label
+=head2 wordsep
Simple accessors for collation attributes.
=head2 start
Removes the given reading from the collation, implicitly removing its
paths and relationships.
-=head2 merge_readings( $main, $second )
+=head2 merge_readings( $main, $second, $concatenate, $with_str )
+Merges the $second reading into the $main one. If $concatenate is true, then
+the merged node will carry the text of both readings, concatenated with either
+$with_str (if specified) or a sensible default (the empty string if the
+appropriate 'join_*' flag is set on either reading, or else $self->wordsep.)
-Merges the $second reading into the $main one.
-The arguments may be either readings or reading IDs.
+The first two arguments may be either readings or reading IDs.
=head2 has_reading( $id )
# Remove the reading from the graphs.
+ $self->_clear_cache; # Explicitly clear caches to GC the reading
$self->sequence->delete_vertex( $arg );
$self->relations->delete_reading( $arg );
$self->$orig( $arg );
-# merge_readings( $main, $to_be_deleted );
+=begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
+my $cxfile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'CollateX',
+ 'file' => $cxfile,
+ );
+my $c = $t->collation;
+my $rno = scalar $c->readings;
+# Split n21 for testing purposes
+my $new_r = $c->add_reading( { 'id' => 'n21p0', 'text' => 'un', 'join_next' => 1 } );
+my $old_r = $c->reading( 'n21' );
+$old_r->alter_text( 'to' );
+$c->del_path( 'n20', 'n21', 'A' );
+$c->add_path( 'n20', 'n21p0', 'A' );
+$c->add_path( 'n21p0', 'n21', 'A' );
+ok( $c->reading( 'n21p0' ), "New reading exists" );
+is( scalar $c->readings, $rno, "Reading add offset by flatten_ranks" );
+# Combine n3 and n4
+$c->merge_readings( 'n3', 'n4', 1 );
+ok( !$c->reading('n4'), "Reading n4 is gone" );
+is( $c->reading('n3')->text, 'with his', "Reading n3 has both words" );
+# Collapse n25 and n26
+$c->merge_readings( 'n25', 'n26' );
+ok( !$c->reading('n26'), "Reading n26 is gone" );
+is( $c->reading('n25')->text, 'rood', "Reading n25 has an unchanged word" );
+# Combine n21 and n21p0
+my $remaining = $c->reading('n21');
+$remaining ||= $c->reading('n22'); # one of these should still exist
+$c->merge_readings( 'n21p0', $remaining, 1 );
+ok( !$c->reading('n21'), "Reading $remaining is gone" );
+is( $c->reading('n21p0')->text, 'unto', "Reading n21p0 merged correctly" );
+=end testing
sub merge_readings {
my $self = shift;
# We only need the IDs for adding paths to the graph, not the reading
# objects themselves.
- my( $kept, $deleted, $combine_char ) = $self->_stringify_args( @_ );
+ my( $kept, $deleted, $combine, $combine_char ) = $self->_stringify_args( @_ );
# The kept reading should inherit the paths and the relationships
$self->relations->merge_readings( $kept, $deleted, $combine_char );
# Do the deletion deed.
- if( $combine_char ) {
+ if( $combine ) {
my $kept_obj = $self->reading( $kept );
- my $new_text = join( $combine_char, $kept_obj->text,
- $self->reading( $deleted )->text );
- $kept_obj->alter_text( $new_text );
+ my $del_obj = $self->reading( $deleted );
+ my $joinstr = $combine_char;
+ unless( defined $joinstr ) {
+ $joinstr = '' if $kept_obj->join_next || $del_obj->join_prior;
+ $joinstr = $self->wordsep unless defined $joinstr;
+ }
+ $kept_obj->alter_text( join( $joinstr, $kept_obj->text, $del_obj->text ) );
$self->del_reading( $deleted );
# Helper function for manipulating the graph.
sub _stringify_args {
- my( $self, $first, $second, $arg ) = @_;
+ my( $self, $first, $second, @args ) = @_;
$first = $first->id
if ref( $first ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading';
$second = $second->id
if ref( $second ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading';
- return( $first, $second, $arg );
+ return( $first, $second, @args );
# Helper function for manipulating the graph.
$graph_data_keys{$datum} = 'dg'.$gdi++;
my $key = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'key' );
$key->setAttribute( '', $datum );
- $key->setAttribute( 'attr.type', $key eq 'linear' ? 'boolean' : 'string' );
+ $key->setAttribute( 'attr.type', $datum eq 'linear' ? 'boolean' : 'string' );
$key->setAttribute( 'for', 'graph' );
$key->setAttribute( 'id', $graph_data_keys{$datum} );
use Text::Tradition;
+my $cxfile = 't/data/Collatex-16.xml';
+my $t = Text::Tradition->new(
+ 'name' => 'inline',
+ 'input' => 'CollateX',
+ 'file' => $cxfile,
+ );
+my $c = $t->collation;
+my $rno = scalar $c->readings;
+# Split n21 for testing purposes
+my $new_r = $c->add_reading( { 'id' => 'n21p0', 'text' => 'un', 'join_next' => 1 } );
+my $old_r = $c->reading( 'n21' );
+$old_r->alter_text( 'to' );
+$c->del_path( 'n20', 'n21', 'A' );
+$c->add_path( 'n20', 'n21p0', 'A' );
+$c->add_path( 'n21p0', 'n21', 'A' );
+ok( $c->reading( 'n21p0' ), "New reading exists" );
+is( scalar $c->readings, $rno, "Reading add offset by flatten_ranks" );
+# Combine n3 and n4
+$c->merge_readings( 'n3', 'n4', 1 );
+ok( !$c->reading('n4'), "Reading n4 is gone" );
+is( $c->reading('n3')->text, 'with his', "Reading n3 has both words" );
+# Collapse n25 and n26
+$c->merge_readings( 'n25', 'n26' );
+ok( !$c->reading('n26'), "Reading n26 is gone" );
+is( $c->reading('n25')->text, 'rood', "Reading n25 has an unchanged word" );
+# Combine n21 and n21p0
+my $remaining = $c->reading('n21');
+$remaining ||= $c->reading('n22'); # one of these should still exist
+$c->merge_readings( 'n21p0', $remaining, 1 );
+ok( !$c->reading('n21'), "Reading $remaining is gone" );
+is( $c->reading('n21p0')->text, 'unto', "Reading n21p0 merged correctly" );
+# =begin testing
+use Text::Tradition;
my $READINGS = 311;
my $PATHS = 361;