my $attr_name = quotemeta($self->name);
- return (
- 'if (!' . $tc . '->(' . $value . ')) {',
- $self->_inline_throw_error(
- '"Attribute (' . $attr_name . ') does not pass the type '
- . 'constraint because: " . '
- . $tc_obj . '->get_message(' . $value . ')',
- 'data => ' . $value
- ) . ';',
- '}',
- );
+ if ( $self->type_constraint->has_inlined_type_constraint ) {
+ return (
+ 'if (! (' . $self->type_constraint->_inline_check($value) . ')) {',
+ $self->_inline_throw_error(
+ '"Attribute (' . $attr_name . ') does not pass the type '
+ . 'constraint because: " . '
+ . $tc_obj . '->get_message(' . $value . ')',
+ 'data => ' . $value
+ ) . ';',
+ '}',
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ return (
+ 'if (!' . $tc . '->(' . $value . ')) {',
+ $self->_inline_throw_error(
+ '"Attribute (' . $attr_name . ') does not pass the type '
+ . 'constraint because: " . '
+ . $tc_obj . '->get_message(' . $value . ')',
+ 'data => ' . $value
+ ) . ';',
+ '}',
+ );
+ }
sub _inline_get_old_value_for_trigger {
sub via (&);
sub message (&);
sub optimize_as (&);
+sub inline_as (&);
## --------------------------------------------------------
return _create_type_constraint(
$name, undef, $p{where}, $p{message},
- $p{optimize_as}
+ $p{optimize_as}, $p{inline_as},
return _create_type_constraint(
$name, $p{as}, $p{where}, $p{message},
- $p{optimize_as}
+ $p{optimize_as}, $p{inline_as},
sub where (&) { { where => $_[0] } }
sub message (&) { { message => $_[0] } }
sub optimize_as (&) { { optimize_as => $_[0] } }
+sub inline_as (&) { { inline_as => $_[0] } }
sub from {@_}
sub via (&) { $_[0] }
my $check = shift;
my $message = shift;
my $optimized = shift;
+ my $inlined = shift;
my $pkg_defined_in = scalar( caller(1) );
( $check ? ( constraint => $check ) : () ),
( $message ? ( message => $message ) : () ),
( $optimized ? ( optimized => $optimized ) : () ),
+ ( $inlined ? ( inlined => $inlined ) : () ),
my $constraint;
sub as { goto &Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::as }
sub where (&) { goto &Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::where }
sub optimize_as (&) { goto &Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::optimize_as }
+sub inline_as (&) { goto &Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::inline_as }
sub define_builtins {
my $registry = shift;
- type 'Any' => where {1}; # meta-type including all
- subtype 'Item' => as 'Any'; # base-type
+ type 'Any' # meta-type including all
+ => where {1}
+ => inline_as { '1' };
- subtype 'Undef' => as 'Item' => where { !defined($_) };
- subtype 'Defined' => as 'Item' => where { defined($_) };
+ subtype 'Item' # base-type
+ => as 'Any';
+ subtype 'Undef'
+ => as 'Item'
+ => where { !defined($_) }
+ => inline_as { "! defined $_[0]" };
+ subtype 'Defined'
+ => as 'Item'
+ => where { defined($_) }
+ => inline_as { "defined $_[0]" };
subtype 'Bool'
=> as 'Item'
- => where { !defined($_) || $_ eq "" || "$_" eq '1' || "$_" eq '0' };
+ => where { !defined($_) || $_ eq "" || "$_" eq '1' || "$_" eq '0' }
+ => inline_as { qq{!defined($_[0]) || $_[0] eq "" || "$_[0]" eq '1' || "$_[0]" eq '0'} };
subtype 'Value'
=> as 'Defined'
=> where { !ref($_) }
- => optimize_as \&_Value;
+ => optimize_as( \&_Value )
+ => inline_as { "defined $_[0] && ! ref $_[0]" };
subtype 'Ref'
=> as 'Defined'
=> where { ref($_) }
- => optimize_as \&_Ref;
+ => optimize_as( \&_Ref )
+ => inline_as { "ref $_[0]" };
subtype 'Str'
=> as 'Value'
=> where { ref(\$_) eq 'SCALAR' }
- => optimize_as \&_Str;
+ => optimize_as( \&_Str )
+ => inline_as {
+ return ( qq{defined $_[0]}
+ . qq{&& ( ref(\\ $_[0] ) eq 'SCALAR'}
+ . qq{ || ref(\\(my \$value = $_[0])) eq 'SCALAR')} );
+ };
subtype 'Num'
=> as 'Str'
=> where { Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_) }
- => optimize_as \&_Num;
+ => optimize_as( \&_Num )
+ => inline_as { "!ref $_[0] && Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_[0])" };
subtype 'Int'
=> as 'Num'
=> where { "$_" =~ /^-?[0-9]+$/ }
- => optimize_as \&_Int;
+ => optimize_as( \&_Int )
+ => inline_as {
+ return ( qq{defined $_[0]}
+ . qq{&& ! ref $_[0]}
+ . qq{&& ( my \$value = $_[0] ) =~ /\\A-?[0-9]+\\z/} );
+ };
subtype 'CodeRef'
=> as 'Ref'
=> where { ref($_) eq 'CODE' }
- => optimize_as \&_CodeRef;
+ => optimize_as( \&_CodeRef )
+ => inline_as { qq{ref( $_[0] ) eq 'CODE'} };
subtype 'RegexpRef'
=> as 'Ref'
=> where( \&_RegexpRef )
- => optimize_as \&_RegexpRef;
+ => optimize_as( \&_RegexpRef )
+ => inline_as { "_RegexpRef( $_[0] )" };
subtype 'GlobRef'
=> as 'Ref'
=> where { ref($_) eq 'GLOB' }
- => optimize_as \&_GlobRef;
+ => optimize_as( \&_GlobRef )
+ => inline_as { qq{ref( $_[0] ) eq 'GLOB'} };
# NOTE: scalar filehandles are GLOB refs, but a GLOB ref is not always a
# filehandle
=> where {
Scalar::Util::openhandle($_) || ( blessed($_) && $_->isa("IO::Handle") );
- => optimize_as \&_FileHandle;
+ => optimize_as( \&_FileHandle )
+ => inline_as {
+ return ( qq{ref( $_[0] ) eq 'GLOB'}
+ . qq{&& Scalar::Util::openhandle( $_[0] )}
+ . qq{or blessed( $_[0] ) && $_[0]->isa("IO::Handle")} );
+ };
subtype 'Object'
=> as 'Ref'
=> where { blessed($_) }
- => optimize_as \&_Object;
+ => optimize_as( \&_Object )
+ => inline_as { "Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] )" };
# This type is deprecated.
subtype 'Role'
=> as 'Object'
=> where { $_->can('does') }
- => optimize_as \&_Role;
+ => optimize_as( \&_Role );
subtype 'ClassName'
=> as 'Str'
=> where { Class::MOP::is_class_loaded($_) }
- => optimize_as \&_ClassName;
+ => optimize_as( \&_ClassName )
+ => inline_as { "Class::MOP::is_class_loaded( $_[0] )" };
subtype 'RoleName'
=> as 'ClassName'
=> where {
(Class::MOP::class_of($_) || return)->isa('Moose::Meta::Role');
- => optimize_as \&_RoleName;
+ => optimize_as( \&_RoleName )
+ => inline_as {
+ return ( qq{Class::MOP::is_class_loaded( $_[0] )}
+ . qq{&& ( Class::MOP::class_of( $_[0] ) || return )}
+ . qq{ ->isa('Moose::Meta::Role')} );
+ };
sub _RoleName {
- ClassName( $_[0] )
+ _ClassName( $_[0] )
&& ( Class::MOP::class_of( $_[0] ) || return )
# Test $_ is read in XS implementation
local $_ = qr//;
- ok(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::OptimizedConstraints::RegexpRef(), '$_ is RegexpRef');
- ok(!Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::OptimizedConstraints::RegexpRef(1), '$_ is not read when param provided');
+ ok(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins::_RegexpRef(), '$_ is RegexpRef');
+ ok(!Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins::_RegexpRef(1), '$_ is not read when param provided');
$_ = bless qr//, "blessed";
- ok(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::OptimizedConstraints::RegexpRef(), '$_ is RegexpRef');
+ ok(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins::_RegexpRef(), '$_ is RegexpRef');
$_ = 42;
- ok(!Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::OptimizedConstraints::RegexpRef(), '$_ is not RegexpRef');
- ok(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::OptimizedConstraints::RegexpRef(qr//), '$_ is not read when param provided');
+ ok(!Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins::_RegexpRef(), '$_ is not RegexpRef');
+ ok(Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::Builtins::_RegexpRef(qr//), '$_ is not read when param provided');
close($fh) || die "Could not close the filehandle $0 for test";