=head1 NAME
-Class::MOP::Object - Object Meta Object
+Class::MOP::Object - Base class for metaclasses
-This class is basically a stub, it provides almost no functionality at all,
-and really just exists to make the Class::MOP metamodel complete.
- ......
- : :
- : v
- +-------------------+
- +-----| Class::MOP::Class |
- | +-------------------+
- | ^ ^ ^
- v : : :
- +--------------------+ : +--------------------+
- | Class::MOP::Module | : | Class::MOP::Object |
- +--------------------+ : +--------------------+
- | : ^
- | : |
- | +---------------------+ |
- +--->| Class::MOP::Package |-----+
- +---------------------+
- legend:
- ..(is an instance of)..>
- --(is a subclass of)--->
-A deeper discussion of this model is currently beyond the scope of
-this documenation.
+This class is a very minimal base class for metaclasses.
=head1 METHODS
+This class provides a few methods which are useful in all metaclasses.
=over 4
-=item B<meta>
+=item B<< Class::MOP::???->meta >>
+This returns a L<Class::MOP::Class> object.
-=item B<dump (?$max_depth)>
+=item B<< $metaobject->dump($max_depth) >>
-This will C<require> the L<Data::Dumper> module and then dump a
-representation of your object. It passed the C<$max_depth> arg
-to C<$Data::Dumper::Maxdepth>. The default C<$max_depth> is 1,
-so it will not go crazy and print a massive bunch of stuff.
-Adjust this as nessecary.
+This method uses L<Data::Dumper> to dump the object. You can pass an
+optional maximum depth, which will set C<$Data::Dumper::Maxdepth>. The
+default maximum depth is 1.